Chapter 2

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On her first day she was guaranteed to be nervous

Someone in the class had already made a foul smell, the teacher (Mrs grenn) introduced jaiden and told her to come to the front and tell the class something about her

"W-well im 16, my birthday is the 2nd of April and I'm here because Im incontinent"-j

She didn't want to say she did it for attention Infront of the class because then when she did shit herself most people might comment on it

At the front of the class she felt a sudden urge strong as a bullet to poop, she looked at the teacher her eyes filled with guilt as she started to shit herself filling her panties and covering the floor

Not so much embarrassed as she was aroused she went back to her seat and continued to poop while feeling it and squishing it around.

She saw a girl shifting uncomfortably in her seat

"Hey you okay?"-j

"Y-yea just a little constipated"

"I have some laxatives in my bag if you want them?"-j

She nodded and smiled as jaiden gave her the laxatives she took them in a heartbeat, they were quick action ones so within a few minutes jaiden could already hear her stomach growling and gurgling, she farted a few times before letting a loud wet one rip, through thorough inspection around the class noone seemed to care.

She pushed as the noises she made and the noises her diaper was making made her start to go too, she thought she was never gonna convince her mum to let her wear diapers however helpful they may seem, and since there were dorms at this school she decided she would buy some herself and use them in her dorm when she was lazy or just feeling horny

The girl turned to jaiden and said

"My name's Brooke by the way, people always call me backed up Brooke because I'm always's mean but funny"

Brooke and jaiden giggled as the bell rang for next period, Brooke and jaiden walked to their classes as jaiden needed to change she went to the bathroom first

Jaiden changed our of her dirty underwear and her mum always told her to bring 5 pairs home all dirty so she could wash them

She stayed in the bathroom for 5 minutes pooping in her spare pair of underwear as she got out the next pair and went to her next class

"Hey why did you take so long?"-B

"Sorry I was getting cleaned up"

Jaiden raised her hand and asked if she could have a diaper as she had 'ran out' though she never had any, she went to the back of the classroom, pulled down her pantiee, put the diaper on and pulled the panties back on over them

She sat back down and whispered to Brooke

"Time for some heavy loading"-j

"Feast at my dorm!"-B

"Count me in!"-J

The day went past them getting dirtier and dirtier, the school was meant for people who couldn't hold in their need to use the bathroom, people who physically can't. The bell rang for them to go to their dorms and as she opened the door she saw her roommate squatting pushing what seemed like 3 days worth of poop out of her system into soft not-so-white panties

"What are you doing?"-j

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