Lexi's Date

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"Oh my god! Austin it's beautiful." I told Austin as he parked the car in a spot in the front of a huge beautiful building.

"That's just the outside of the cinema Lexi." Austin said as we climbed out of his camero.

"Well it's still beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you Lexi."

"Aww thanks Austin." I started blushing about the fact that he thinks I'm more beautiful than this mansion in front of us.

"Now come on before we're late for the movie," he started to pull me along to the entrance of the cinema I believe that's what he called it.

"Austin I thought we were having dinner not watching a movie?" I asked him as we waited in line to get tickets to the show he chose.

"Well we will but first we're watching a movie. I thought that would work up your appetite."

"Austin have you seen the sports I do and the car I drive?"

"Ya but that doesn't mean you don't have an appetite, so I wanted to work up your appetite. Is that okay with you?"

"Kinda I guess. What movie are we watching then?"

"Well I wanted you to choose the movie since I thought of the movies and dinner idea."

"Austin are you hesitant about letting me pick the movie?"

"Yes a little."

"Well I choose one of the action movies not some dumb stupid chick-flick that isn't true or will ever happen. That work for you?"

"Oh hell yeah. Lexi your the best. Why don't you like chick-flicks though?"

"Well I'm one of those bad ass chicks instead of those girly girls who think their better than everyone else. I hate that bullshit it's very rare for me to be friends with a girl like that. That's why most my friends were and are guys instead of girls. Guys are just less drama. Except for that Dakota guy from Monday morning before gym."

"Wow, you would be the first bad ass chick I've ever met, and your pretty bad ass at that."

"Thank you Austin. So how long have you and Patrick been friends?"

"Oh, well since middle school I guess I don't really know how long we've known each other. We just became friends one year and been friends since then, but we usually don't get girls for each other."

"So this is the first time Patrick did this for you?"

"Ya, we never had trouble getting girls we're the popular and hot guys in our school, but we're also bad guys as rumor says."

"Well you should thank him your lucky to be with me Austin. I usually don't take well to new guys wanting to date me because of my ex-boyfriend back in New York."

"Well I will Monday and thanks for going out on a date with me."

"Well it's my pleasure so far."

Austin paid for our tickets and we got some drinks for the movie. He got a root beer and I got a Dr. Pepper. We went to our section and sat down and waited for the movie to come on. Austin put his arm around my shoulder and we stayed like that through the whole movie.

After the movie we came out laughing about the last scene in the movie.

"OF MY GOD I can't believe he did that!"

"Welcome to action movies Austin that's what it's like with my movies." I say still laughing about the last scene.

"Well usually the ending isn't the main character flipping everyone off TOWARDS the camera!"

"In this action movie does!"

We walked out of the cinema laughing our asses off. We got to the car and by that time we were done laughing.

"So what restaurant are we going to?" I asked him as we got in the car.

"It's a surprise," is all he told me.

"How far is it?"

"Not too far."


After 5-10 minutes we arrived at this most gorgeous restaurant on the planet.

"Oh my god Austin this place is outstanding how did you find it?"

"Well I had help from Patrick and James finding it."

"Austin it's beautiful, let's go in and order I'm starving."

"Ok let's go." he grabs my hand and we walk inside to the front podium thing most fancy restaurants have. The girl at the podium kept looking at Austin and not both of us and she also kept flirting with him. She's starting to piss me off.

"Hey miss he's with me so I would appreciate it if you would stop flirting with him." I told her with a little bit of attitude.

"Wow Lexi were you jealous of the waitress?"

"No I was just getting tired if her flirting with you while it's quite obvious your on a date with me. The good thing is you weren't paying attention to her." I looked at him to make sure he didn't make a face that said he did pay attention thankfully he didn't, so if he did pay attention to her he's hiding the fact he did.

"Lexi I would never pay attention to her your 100 times better than her in my opinion."

"Thanks Austin way to bust my confidence that I already have too much of."

"Well you'll need it at our school, so don't complain too much about it."

"Oh you must be mistaken I'm not complaining about it more as showing it off."

"Well, on that note I congratulate you."

"Very funny Austin."

"Ya I know."

The waitress came back with our food and drinks.

"Thanks." I said to her.

"No problem miss." she replied back. She then walked off without giving Austin a second glance.

"Wow, you scared the hell out of her. How did you do that?"

"Well, I wasn't trying to scare her I just asked her nicely to stop flirting with you so she did and now she's scared of me because I thanked her for the food but she thought it was for her to stop flirting with you."

"Well, Lexi you haven't stopped surprising me with how special you truly are."

"Thank you."

We then started to stuff our faces with our food, and during our drink breaks we would ask questions about each other. After dinner Austin took me home. Since we got there he walked me to my front door. I turned around.

"Thanks for tonight I really enjoyed it."

"Well, Lexi I couldn't of asked for a better date. You were amazing, kind, bad ass, beautiful, and just everything I could've asked for." he looked straight into my eyes and he kissed me.

Then we had to pull away so we could breath, "Goodnight Lexi sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Austin thanks again for everything tonight."

I watched him walk to his car and drive off. I walked into the house to find my father on the couch waiting for me.

"Did you have fun tonight?" he looked over the couch to look at me when I answered.

"I had a wonderful time Dad, he was amazing. He took me to the movies where I surprised him and chose a action movie instead of a chick-flick like most girls then he took me to a very very fancy restaurant and this waitress kept flirting with him, but he didn't pay any attention to her at all. After a while I got tired of watching her flirt with him so I asked her to stop, which I actually accidentally scared her off too. Well, I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed, night Dad."

"Night honey."

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