Lexi's First Night Out

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A/N: pic of James

I got home finally. I looked at the time and it was 7 o'clock. I went upstairs and put my book bag on my bed as I took my shoes off and put them back in my closet floor. I grabbed my flute out of my bag and put it together. I got my folder and stand so I could set up to play when the door bell rang.

I went downstairs and got the door.

"Hey you wanna go to a party?" James asked as soon as I opened the door.

"Ya sure but how do you know where I live?" I asked him.

"Well I kind of followed you because you didn't give me your number so I could call you and ask so here I am," he answered quickly.

"Ok, let me go change and we can go. Come in have a sit I'll be right back," I stepped aside so he could come in.

I went upstairs into my room looking at the choices of dresses I had. I found the perfect one for a party. It was red and down to my mid thigh. It had a black belt that wrapped around my waist. And the top came down just enough to show just a little cleavage. I grabbed my black pumps from the floor and slid them on. I went to the mirror and fixed my makeup and redid my hair. I put my hair into some curls as they flowed down my back. I loved how much they just flowed down my body just perfectly. My hair was a dirty blond while my roots were growing back into it's natural color, brown.

I grabbed a purse that fits my phone and wallet and went down stairs where James was waiting on the couch.

"Hey you ready to go?" I asked as I came down the stairs.

James turned around about to answer the question then saw me, "Wow, you look HOT!"

"Thanks that's what I was going for," I said with excitement.

"Let's go we have a party to crash."

We hopped into James's car and headed for the party.


I was dancing and some guy came up to me and asked, "May I get you drink?"

"Sure," I answered.

He went to get my drink from the kitchen and came back and handed it to me.

"So what's your name?" he asked as he started dancing with me.

"Lexi thanks for the drink," I thanked him.

"No problem."

"What's your name?"


"So Adam how long you been in LA?"

"My whole life, why are you asking that?"

"I just moved here from New York."

"Ohh that makes sense, so have you been here a day or two?"

"Yepp. My new friend James brought my here to hang out and now he's flirting with other girls."

"Well at least your having fun without him."

"Well this isn't exactly my first party."

"Oh really did you go partying a lot in New York?"

"Hell yes I did, almost every weekend I went out partying with my girls and my now ex-boyfriend!"

"Oh what happened there?"

"I found him in bed with someone else at a party. It doesn't matter it's been years since it happened. I got over it went partying like always after a month of depression."

"That sucks I'm sorry."

"Don't be he didn't deserve me. I can do better then that asshole."

"So do you have a boyfriend now?"

"I might after this Saturday. I'm going out with this guy at school."

"That's cool. Are you going to drink any of that drink?"

"Oh yeah." Then I chugged my drink down and Adam looked at me in shock.


"You can chug like a guy!"

"That's because I'm pretty much am one the only thing is I'm a girl but act like a guy most the time. I'm raised by my father my mother died in a car accident when I was 6."

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's ok."

I started to get a little dizzy and started to slur my words and Adam couldn't understand half the things I was saying afterwards. I went to go get me some more to drink before James found me and said, "Ok Lex let's get you home before you start doing something you regret."

"Ok jamesie ansie," I slurred out.

So James carried me to the car and then I fell asleep in the back seat.

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