Lexi's Date With Austin

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"So where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"You'll see when we get there," he said with a look of confidence.

"Please tell me." I begged him. I was pouting with my lips and gave him the puppy dog eyes. He looked at me with a face that said I want to tell you but I want it to be a surprise.

"I can't now stop looking at me like that. You're too cute for it."

"So now I'm cute."

"Well that face was yes, you yourself are smoking hot."

I started blushing, so I put my head down and my hair went down so that it made a curtain between us. Austin took his free hand and put two fingers under my chin. He raised my head so I could face him. He stared into my eyes as my cheeks were surely turning a shade of red.

"Lexi, you don't have to hide your blushing from me. I find it highly attractive."


"Yes my dear."

"Please don't say that."

"Why?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"Because it's not official yet," I said while blushing again.

"Trust me by the end of this date it will be."

"Oh your so confident in that how come?"

"Because I planned it that perfectly."

"Oh ok." I said with sarcasm.

"Hey don't be hating on the Austin powers." He said jokingly.

"Oh my god did you really just say that about yourself. You may be hot, but you ain't Austin Powers hon." I said teasingly.

"Did you just say I'm hot?" he asked changing the subject.

"No not all." I said lying to him.

"Your a liar."

"No I'm not. Why would I lie to you?"

"Because your blushing about my question. Now tell me the truth." he demanded.

"Fine I did say you're hot."

"I knew it!"

"Don't get too carried away with it mister."

"I'm not I'm just glad you find me hot."

"Ok, are we there yet?"


I look over at his face that was smirking about something he was thinking.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I was thinking about how cute you are when you beg for an answer."

"I was not begging, thank you."

"Yes you were Lex."

"Hey, I prefer if you call me Lexi!"

"You let James call you that. Why not me?" he asked in confusion.

"Well I let James because I don't care. I want you to call me Lexi because it sounds sexier when you say it completely and not just part of it."

"Did you just say when I say your full name it sounds sexy?"

"Yes." I turned away in embarrassment covering my face with my hair.

"Hey, look at me." He pulled over onto the side of the road.

"Why are you stopping?"

"Because I want you to look at me so I can say something to your face."

I turn to look at him while I was still blushing.

"I love it when you blush it means I said or did something right, and most the time I end up saying something stupid and getting slapped in the face." I blush even more than I was before. I was probably tomato red by now.

"Your beautiful and I would love to call you by your full name just to please you."

"T-thank you A-austin." I stuttered.

"Now let's get back to getting to our date shall we?"

"Yes!" I said with a little too much excitement.

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