Lexi's First Race

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So today's the day of the race. I'm nervous, but at the same time I'm not. I got up changed into a pair of matching bra and panties then put on black skinny jeans with a Falling In Reverse t-shirt. I put my hair into a high ponytail and put my black converse on. I started heading to the race track.

I met Mary, Austin, James, and Patrick at the track.

"Now Mar I figured you'd be with Blake. Supporting his win if he does win that is?"

"O hell no. I'm staying here cause you'll be the one winning and not my lovely boyfriend."

"Babe she's right you know?"

"O I know. Trust me I know I'm gonna win. I've been doing this for years."

"Alrighty then let's get ready for this. Lexi put your jump suit on and let's go." Kyle said.

We went to my garage and I changed into my leather jump suit and climbed into my Impala.

"Now Lexi because your new here. They're not gonna take it easy on you just because your a girl or because your new, so do your best and they'll do theirs."

"Alright good to know."

"Now go out there and kick their asses."

I grabbed my helmet and put it on. I started the car and headed out to the starting line. Everyone else was starting to line up. Once everyone was lined up the flagger grabbed the beginning flag and we took off. I started out in fourth, so I slowly started to gain speed. I started to pass the people in front of me then I ended up in the lead.

I was getting closer to the finish line, but just as I was about to cross someone hit the tail of my car in just the right way that my car flew sideways and I started flipping. When the car finally stopped, and on the wheels thank god, I got out. I leaned on the car so I wouldn't get too dizzy from standing. Everything was a little fuzzy as I saw people running towards me.

"Lexi are you alright?" I heard someone ask, but I couldn't tell who was asking.

"I'm a little dizzy and my sight is unfocused."

"Shit, come on let's get you to the doctor."

"Is there anything else bothering or in pain?"

"Ummmm no not that I can tell there isn't."

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