End of weekend, back to school

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My alarm going off startles me awake since I was half asleep half awake. So I get up and go to my closet. I decide to wear black leather skinny jeans, a red blouse, and black heels. After I put my clothes on I put my hair in a half up half down style then do my make up. When I was done I grabbed my purse and book bag and went downstairs. I ate breakfast and headed out the door.

I got to the school and parked in my spot and got out. I saw James and Mary hanging out in the courtyard. Instead of walking to them I decided to just lean on my car. Then Dakota started walking up to me.

"What do you want Dakota another rejection?"

"Actually I wanted to apologize for how I treated you on your first day here."

"Well thanks. I accept your apology."

"I'm gonna let you be now I just wanted to apologize."

"Ok bye."

Dakota walked off to his little group of wannabes. Then Austin came up to me and hugged me.

"Well good morning beautiful. And might I add you look hot in leather."

"O you may. Babe leather is my favorite after all. I'm glad you like."

"O trust me I do."

We started walking towards James and Mary. Austin wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

"Well, look at the hottest couple in school. Y'all have got really popular around here just by getting together." Mary said jokingly.

"I became popular by just being me Mar. Of course dating the most popular and hottest guy at school does help to add to the popularity though." I jokingly played along.

Austin looked at me and adding to our sarcasm he said "You're not dating me just for the perks of popularity are you?"

I looked up at Austin and kissed him. When we pulled away I said, "Now, do you think the emotions in that time while we kissed would be there if I were only dating you for the perks of popularity. To me popularity takes away too much privacy, and I would very much enjoy my privacy. If I get too popular I wouldn't know what to do with the crowd following, but for now they just know me as the cool new girl who can party. They don't even know I race yet." I told Austin then continued the conversation with Mary.

"Now bestie you're forgetting about me." James said. It was clear to me he was only joking about it though.

"Hmm I don't think I did forget about you James," I said to him as I pulled out a box of doughnuts that I got just for James. He looked at me like 'did you really get me a box of doughnuts'. I rolled my eyes at him and gave him the box of doughnuts.

Mary glared at me, so I reached into my bag and grabbed a box of bottle caps that she so loves to steal from me when I get them from the store. I handed them to her and her eyes just sparkled with joy. She jumped and hugged me.

I looked at Austin and said, "If you want candy from me you need to work for it and being my mechanic doesn't count towards this in any way."

"Awww babe how am I suppose to figure out how to get candy from you?" He whined and pouted. Let me tell you it was cute when he did it.

"You'll find a way there's a lot you can do to get candy from me." Then the bell rang and we walked to class.

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