Start from the beginning

"The only reason you're not going to jail," I cut her off. I didn't see how she even deserved to explain herself. "Is because I don't really need another scandal which would target my relationship, my band, or my management. A restraining order is not out of the question, though."

Patricia coaxed (more like pulled) Kayla back to the living room and towards the exit. None of us spoke until the front door shut, knowing Patricia would sufficiently scare Kayla from ever attempting to try anything like this again.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Glad that's over."

"You did well, Cal." Michael gave me a few pats on the back. Luke was smiling, and his once tense posture had loosened. You could tell he was happy the whole thing was over, too.

"Thank you for helping Patricia gather evidence, and for trusting me," I couldn't help but say. Truly, I was blessed with wonderful people. Whatever I did in the past life to deserve this, I'm grateful.

"Hey, none of that now. We're family, of course we'd protect you," Ashton said.

Luke came up to me, placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "I never doubted you, Cal." Just that had the weight instantly lifted off my chest.

We waited until Patricia came back. I gave her a hug and thanked her for saving my ass, to which she laughed at. She told me she'd personally handle the restraining order, plus it'll give her a chance to catch up with her brother. "I think it goes without saying that all of us deserve the rest of the night off. I'll be seeing you three tomorrow. And Luke, thank you for all your help." Patricia shrugged on her bag, giving all of us a tight hug before leaving.

"I think I need a drink," I pinched the bridge of my nose. Everyone laughed, but none of them opposed to the idea. Ashton and Michael headed to their own condos to get ready after we settled on going out to celebrate this victory, leaving Luke and I alone in my kitchen.

I sat down on one of the dining chairs, Luke taking the seat next to me. We were silent for a few seconds, letting it sink in. "After two days of trying to find proof, we really got through that," I said.

Luke took my left hand and began running his thumb over my knuckles. "Thank you for believing in me enough to tell me right at the beginning. I really never doubted you. Even when your story was a bit unexpected, I never once thought you cheated on me." Luke brought my hand to his lips to place a kiss at the back of my palm.

I smiled at him, feeling my heartbeat pick up.

"Well, at least not with her," Luke joked. My mouth dropped open in a perfect o shape which had Luke laughing. I scoffed, taking my hand away and crossing my arms. "I would never cheat on you, asshole."

"I know that." Luke was still chuckling, his hand reaching to grasp my thigh before proceeding to massage it. I continued to glare at him until he pinched the inside of my thigh.

"Ow!" I tried to push his hand away but he just continued to laugh, suddenly sitting on my lap and peppering my face with kisses. "Luke! Luke get off me–hey!" This went on for a few more minutes, ending only when Michael called my phone and demanded we start heading down to Ashton's car.  

We decided to dine at a Mexican bistro, ordering burritos, quesadillas, and unlimited nachos with too much guacamole. Our drinks came first as Luke fell into a comfortable conversation with Michael and Ashton, their topics ranging from music to video games to childhood celebrity crushes. After a couple more drinks, with our stomachs full delicious food, they all started making the corniest jokes they could think of. Ashton had to shush us multiple times whenever our laughter got a bit too loud.

I turned to my right where Luke was, holding his mojito a few inches away from his lips. He ended up laughing at something Michael said. It was all I could do not to tell Luke how much I loved him right then and there.

Mostly because I didn't want to deal with tipsy Ashton and Michael teasing the crap out of me in bistro filled with people.

Luke felt me looking at him, and he raised an eyebrow in question. I shook my head, because it could wait until we got home. He seemed to understand though, because he intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"What does a duck made completely out of avocado say?"

"What does it say?"


I'm embarrassed to say that Michael spat out some of his drink because of how hard he laughed at Ashton's joke.

I'm even more embarrassed to admit that I laughed at the joke, too.


[ a/n: next chapter will be the last one! ]

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