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Eden didn't know why she felt so sad after Five snapped at her

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Eden didn't know why she felt so sad after Five snapped at her. She should be angry at him for snapping at her! All she wanted to do was reassure him and calm him down but that clearly didn't work. Eden sighs angrily as she stomps her way up the stairs to a familiar police department. She quietly walks in towards Patch's desk where she was currently doing paper work.

"Oh how I need a drink right now Dora" Edens familiar dramatic voice says causing Patch looks up from her paperwork to Eden with a wide smile on her face.

"Eden!" Patch exclaims and immediately pulls the girl into a tight hug

"I didn't know you were back in town" Patch says and let's go of the smiling girl

"Yeah I flew in for the funeral and than I saw someone I thought I'd never see again which has led me to ask you if you want to go out for lunch?" Eden asks with a small smile

"Of course, lets go down to Mcburrys Cafe" Patch says and grabs her jacket

"Haven't been to that place in years, wonder if their strawberry cheesecake is still on the menu" Eden says and follows Patch out of the police department and into her car

"I haven't been recently either"

The drive to the cafe was filled with giggles and high pitched singing. Eden giggles as she enters the cozy cafe that her and Patch always went to if they needed to rant to each other.

"Oh Eden and Patch! I haven't seen you girls in ages!" The owner Ms. Mcburry exclaims as she pulls the two girls into a warm hug

"Go on and sit down while I bring out some of my famous sweet tea" Ms. Mcburry says and the two girls sit down at their regular booth while Ms. Mcburry sets their drinks down and looks at them with knowing eyes

"The usuals?" She asks and smiles when they both nod

"Yes please" Eden says with a warm smile

"So what's up?" Patch asks with raised eyebrows

"Ugh boy problems that's what's up" Eden groans when Ms. Mcburry sets down a big slice of strawberry cheesecake in front of both girls.

"Thank you Ms. Mcburry! I adore your cheesecake" Eden says with a wide smile

"You're very welcome deary" Ms. Mcburry smiles before tending to her other customers

"What's up with the boy problems, is it that one boy who left you a few years back?" Patch asks while taking a bite of her strawberry cheesecake

"Yeah he showed up right before the funeral and didn't even talk to me or acknowledged me. Than he shows up at my apartment in the middle of the night apologizing for leaving. Than he asks me for help on some project he's doing and than snaps at me for trying to assure him!" Eden explains to Patch who nods

"The nerve he has! Honestly after leaving you without an explanation and than showing up out of the blue apologizing to you! I can handle him for you if you want maybe even put him in a holding cell for 24 hours" Patch offers and Edens tempted to take the offer but than she knows Five will probably just spatial jump out of the cell.

"Very tempting but it's okay I think I can handle this one on my own" Eden says with a small smile before a knowing glint passes through her eyes

"What about you and Diego?" She slyly asks with a small smirk

"I've noticed there's some tension there" Eden smirks

"Please that's definitely in the past" Patch says with a roll of her eyes and Eden shakes her head and instead raises her eyebrow

"Okay fine maybe there is some tension between us but it doesn't mean I want to get back together with him. He's so complicated with his feelings and I get that, he's always had trouble with expressing his feelings.... it's just complicated right now." Patch sighs

"Yeah Diego always did have problems with expressing his feelings but I definitely know you still hold a special place in his heart" Eden says as she takes another bite of her food.

"Anyways how's Blake?" Patch asks after a moment of silence

"He's doing fine and he wanted to come down here with me but I needed someone I trust to watch the boutique" Eden says

"When are you and him going to get together?" Patch asks with a smirk of her own

"What? Me and Blake? No way!" Eden laughs as if Patch just told the funniest joke in the world

"I'm serious! You clearly don't see the way he looks at you" Patch says with a serious tone

"Oh really? Than how does he look at me?" Eden asks with a wide smile on her face, finding this part of the conversation funny

"Like he wants to marry you and grow old with you" Patch says and Eden raises her eyebrow in disbelief

"Yeah right there's no way he looks at me like that! We've been best friends for as long as I could remember" Eden laughs a bit

"Whatever you say" Patch sings before her phone dings

"Seems I have a lead on my case" Patch mumbles before looking up at Eden

"Need a right home?" Patch asks Eden who shakes her head

"I'll take a cab" Eden says and puts down a 20 for their meals

"Okay just text or call me if you ever need another girl to girl talk, I'm always here for you" Patch says and stands up to hug Eden who smiles

"Same for you" Eden says and releases Patch from the hug

"Now go and solve that case like the smart women you are!" Eden exclaims as Patch walks out of the door with a laugh

Eden arrived at the academy around one in the mourning reeking of alcohol. She didn't exactly go home after lunch with Patch and instead decided to go to a near by club to forget about her confusing feelings. She stumbles into the academy barely able to keep her balance as she accidentally knocks something over.

"Oh sh-" Eden slur was cut off by Allison who was rubbing her eyes

"Eden?" Allison asks in confusion

"Oh hey Ally" Eden slurs as she stumbles over her feet to get to her sister who stables her.

"Are you drunk?" Allison asks with worried eyes and Eden grins lazily

"Yup!" She slurs causing Allison to sigh and rub her head

"Come on lets get you cleaned up and ready for bed" Allison says and helps her sister up the stairs to her the bathroom where she helps her get into a clean pair of clothes and brush her teeth

"Goodnight Eden" Allison softly says to the sleeping girl who smiles sleepily

"Goodnight Ally" Eden mumbles before passing out with a small smile

She was not prepared for the family meeting in the mourning.

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