Chapter 36-Captured

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Many cultivators jumped forward, weaving the same signs with their hands. In one swift fluid motion, they all aimed their palms at her. A strange golden barrier erected around her. It was slowly shrinking down her, locking her into place. She punched at the barrier, finding it extremely hard to break. She punched at it again, forcing out more spiritual energy.

When the golden barrier started to crack under her fists, Hai Kuang's eyes widen in shock. This was a first rate golden barrier that took over fifteen first rate disciples to create and she managed to make a crack in the barrier with her fists alone. He knew the immediate danger to come if she was to be freed. He warned them to condense the barrier faster and soon Xiu Xiang's arms were bound to her side as the golden barrier wrapped tightly around her like a thin blanket.

"Retreat!" Hai Kuang ordered. Everyone managed to escape before they could be buried under the snow.

Meanwhile, Wei Xing and Hua Jian arrived safely back at the Night Palace.

"How could you? We could've saved her!" Wei Xing cried. He yanked Hua Jian harshly by the collar, choking him.

"Xiu Xiang isn't dead!" Hua Jian gasped.

"What...?" Wei Xing shot him a look of disbelief. The woman he loved was buried under a mountain. Even if he could dig through all that rock and ice, she'd be flat as a pancake. Was Hua Jian pulling his leg?

When Hua Jian repeated himself again, Wei Xing reluctantly placed him back down on his feet. He waited for an explanation as Hua Jian coughed from the lack of air.

"The seal that she placed on every demon is still intact after all these years, even now. If Xiu Xiang is truly dead, then why haven't the seal been lifted?" Hua Jian asked.

"Maybe the seal she placed on you all was stronger than she thought." Wei Xing doubted Hua Jian's theory. If Xiu Xiang was still alive, why haven't she woken after all these years? The only reason why her body was still around was because he kept her body in that jade ice cave. Every time he went to check on her body, her body was still and cold as ice, reminding him that she was dead. The only reason why he was able to keep on moving forward was the fact that the seal was still in place on every demon here. Now that her body was completely crushed, he realized how wrong he was.

"I think... that woman in those strange clothing might have something to do with Xiu Xiang. Her aura is similar to that of Xiu Xiang's. When she ordered for us to retreat, I found myself unable to refuse. Only one person can do that," Hua Jian suddenly said.

Wei Xing's eyes flashed as he gave it a thought. He did find it peculiar that Hua Jian reacted quickly after that woman spoke. Even he had a hard time ordering Hua Jian what to do. Why was it that woman was able to easily order Hua Jian to retreat?

The more he thought about that woman, the angrier he became. She must have something to do with the collapse of the mountain. He should've killed her when he had the chance!

"I think it's a good idea to bring this woman back to the Demon Clan. She was able to fight off so many righteous cultivators in order to help us escape. I'm sure with her similar aura, we might be able suppress the righteous cultivators," Hua Jian suggested. It was quickly shot down by Wei Xing's sneer.

So this was about recruiting someone strong into the Demon Clan, Wei Xing thought bitterly. Over the years, many if not all of the responsibilities that Xiu Xiang once held fell upon Hua Jian while Wei Xing devoted all of his time trying to find a way to bring Xiu Xiang back to life.

It was then that Hua Jian's suggestion suddenly brought about an idea. Wei Xing remembered reading a scroll about a dark art involving similar auras in Xiu Xiang's library. If he could find an aura similar to Xiu Xiang and sacrifice it, he could summon back Xiu Xiang's soul. If the seal is still in place, then surely... surely Xiu Xiang's body was still intact under the mountain.

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