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I couldn't have stepped on the gas pedal faster to get to Derek's loft. Whatever went down with Dominic, was not helping my anxiety. If there was a supernatural threat coming to Beacon Hills that is too terrifying for Dominic's mercenary ass, scary enough for him to hold off coming after me? Yeah I was pretty fucking scared. It was Halloween night, and the Sheriff's station had released an APB out for Dominic. I still let the Sheriff know what Dominic told Robbins. Of course he wasn't entirely set on it, and neither was Jordan who insisted on accompanying me back to my apartment. I pull up to the parking lot outside Derek's building to see his SUV parked outside. I pull up beside him as I see three trick-or-treaters approaching him. I get out of my car just in time to see him flash his wolf features at them scaring them away. 

"You're a child." I remark, walking over to the mixed bag of candy he was still holding in his hands before grabbing a small bag of m&ms. He smiles, still proud of his small terror moment. I tear open the small bag, before dumping a few pieces onto the palm of my hand. "I'm pretty sure you traumatized them for the rest of their lives, congratulations." He only gave me a small chuckle before putting the rest of the giant bag back into the driver's seat. I offered him a blue one, before complimenting his car. I hadn't seen his newest toy yet. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, Dominic fled town." He furrowed his eyebrows at me, and I nodded feeling the same sensation. Something was creeping up behind us. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck we slowly turned to face several shadowy figures with demonic features. I gulped loudly, gesturing towards the dark creatures before us. "This could be why." 

The last thing I remember was the shadowy figures coming towards us, before it all went black. I awaken next to Derek, he's struggling to stand. We help each other up as he goes to check behind my ear. I go to touch some sort of scarring there. What ever happened hurt like hell. Derek roars in pain, it's a signaling roar. He was trying to get someone's attention, probably Scott. I lean my weight on him. "We're in the basement of my building. Come on, let's get to the loft." We make the trip up the stairs, and I slowly lean off of him as I get my strength back. Whatever those things were, they branded us with something. Something Derek definitely didn't like. 

A low growl rises from Derek's chest at the repetitive EDM beats fill the loft. Lights flashing all around. Who in their right mind would throw a glow in the dark party in the home of Derek fucking Hale? We both exchanged looks, mine was more impressed with the new design and his was filled with pure annoyance. I tried not to laugh at his pouty expression, or as Stiles would describe it, "sour wolf". We both make our way to the DJ Booth as I tell Derek he is being a huge buzz kill. There's a bodyguard blocking the booth that stands no match for the former alpha. 

"Bro, sorry.." He puts his hand out to stop Derek from going any further, shoving him slightly in the chest. "The Bloody Beetroots doesn't take requests."

"Why is he wearing a Venom mask--Derek come on." I reach out for his shoulder but he just shakes me off. 

"Listen to your lady friend, man." When Derek tries to go around him again, the man shoves him in the chest once more. "Bro, seriously. I said, the DJ doesn't take--" My eyes widen when Derek grabs the taller man by the throat, the bodyguard's eyes widen at the attack. I shout numerous pleas for him to let the man go before he could crush his larynx. I understand that Derek was pissed, but there was definitely a nicer way to go about this. 

"He'll take mine." Derek nods before chucking the man aside. He glances back to look at me, only gaining a death glare as I run to check on his unneccessary victim. Next thing I know the makeshift DJ table is being flipped over and onto the floor. When the music stops, everyone turns to face us. Myself pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. He was always one for theatrics, something he has in common with his uncle. The DJ was pissed, but did not stop Derek from addressing the crowd. He took a deep breath, going to stand beside me and in the most terrifying voice, filled with rage and thunder, Derek bellowed two words that sent the crowd running. "Get! Out!" He looked at the DJ who also split, not wanting to mess with him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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