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This was not good, this was very not good. A convicted murderer, William Barrow, was taken into custody by the FBI and was now being brought into surgery at Beacon Hills Memorial. Pulling into the parking lot behind Stilinski, I rushed out side of my car to catch up to him. He was already running inside, with a bunch of deputies tailing in behind him. I nearly knock into him at the entrance. My eyes lock on a familiar badge. Isn't that?

"Hey! He is not coming in." Stilinski shouts at the infamous Rafael McCall. Melissa and I being the awkward witnesses of their petty encounter. I don't remember Scott or Melissa mentioning he was in town. This explains why Scott was so adamant on helping with the Tate family case. He takes a glance at me, noticing my badges adds slightly to his relief. It definitely wasn't my first run-in with the FBI. I could tell he recognized me.

"This is the only hospital that will take him." Rafael stated. 

"What about county?" Stilinski asks. Scott doesn't talk about his dad much, I got the story out of him eventually. I definitely don't like the guy anymore than the rest of them. Unfortunately, I had to be professional. 

"You'd be surprised how fast things fill up when a guy like this needs surgery..." Melissa scoffed at his statement. The three of them continued into an argument while I looked down to my phone. No texts yet. She told me not to worry, they had lost all their possessions, so it would be awhile. I turn my attention back to the debate over William Barrow. Rafael is adamant that he needs to be treated. They can't take him into custody in his current state.

"Somebody needs to do his pre-op interview..." My eyes widen at Melissa's statement. With her being the head surgical nurse, she tended to be the one that always did them. At this realization, we begin to work on scenarios that could get one of us into that operating room.

"Try to keep in mind exactly what this guy's capable of-- he's a former engineer who decided to walk onto a school bus with a shrapnel bomb." Rafael cautioned. Stilinski had left for the station to review his files on Barrow, while I offered to stay in case of anything. They had led him through the back of the hospital to avoid a frenzy by the locals. Anyone who is anyone wants this guy dead. "He left four students dead and a fifth with no legs."

Melissa goes into his room to prep him for surgery tomorrow. The FBI of course wants to be the top on this case. Rafael was trying to persuade for my vote from the Sheriff. I was too busy listening in on Melissa's conversation with Barrow that I was only giving him half-assed responses.

"Have you had any contact with your good friend Derek Hale?"

"Have you had any contact with your son, Agent McCall?" I look him dead in the eyes and he scoffs at my words ready to interject, but I interrupt him. "Nothing of any substance, or so I've heard. Don't bring my personal baggage up, unless you're prepared to walk the walk." He shuts up with a small glare my way, just in time to catch the end of Melissa's interview. She had finally gotten to the question he knew she was aching to ask.

"I saw their eyes. Their eyes were glowing. I saw them." My eyes widened as his shouts grew louder. Melissa comes rushing out the room making eye contact with me. More officials went in to restrain him as the shouts grew louder. "I saw their eyes! Their eyes were glowing! Their eyes were glowing! Their eyes were glowing!"

Well fuck.


"Thanks again for moving me back in." Last night was crazy enough, I went back to the station digging into file upon file of Barrow. Even his psychiatrist's notes. Stilinski and I debated on whether we should let the pack know, but to be fair, he was going into surgery this morning, everything should be fine. I needed help grabbing my stuff from both Lydia's and the loft. It was time I get out of there, especially now. 

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