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I stood leaning against the dining room table at the McCall residence, arms crossed. Looking over at the five teenagers that currently stood before me. It was Lydia's insistence that they were to be upfront with me.

"So all three of you are being affected?" I ask, receiving small nods. My dark eyes nearly roll all the way back into my head. "How could you keep this from me? Do you have any idea how serious this is?"

"It's just due to lack of sleep--"

"No. You're hallucinating, vividly. You cannot tell me that that is not concerning." I scold, now moving away from the table. "What happens if you're in the middle of a fight, and you hallucinate? You could all get yourselves killed."

"What are you benching us?" Stiles scoffs, crossing his arms at me. I could still see the deep bags forming under his eyes from lack of sleep. Was he really going to test me right now? "Hate to break it to you Danny, but this isn't lacrosse."

"No, it's your fucking life." I shout, running my hand down my face in exasperation. They can tell I'm aggravated. I was, but not at them or what was happening, mainly at the fact that it was serious and they didn't tell me. The room grows tense as Scott moves forward to speak.

"Have you heard of anything like this before?" He asks me, the rest of the pack awaiting my answer. A deep sigh leaves my mouth as I once again lean on the table, rubbing my temples to prevent an oncoming headache. 

"You all died and then came back to life. Thankfully this is due to your anchors: Isaac, Lydia, and Deaton." I explained. "You cannot expect to die and come back scotch free." They all look at each other concerned while Lydia explains that she was almost killed by Allison today, Scott keeps wolfing out, and Stiles can't tell when he's awake and when he's dreaming. "We need to talk to Deaton, now. Lydia and Isaac, please try to avoid Allison when she's armed, Scott and Stiles, let's go."


 When we made it to the animal clinic, I began to explain the situation to Deaton, especially everything that has been happening today, thankfully he could piece it together with the sleepwalking that Stiles has been having. 

"So doc, what do you think it all means?" I ask, quickly glancing down at my phone to see a few texts from the Sheriff and Jordan. Shit, I still have to explain myself. The amount of missed calls from Stilinski definitely did not look too good right now. 

"It sounds like your subconscious is trying to communicate with you." Deaton looks to Stiles. Stiles seems a bit put off by this, but nonetheless it intrigues all of us.

"Well, how do I tell my subconscious to use a language that I actually know?" Stiles wonders. Deaton encourages him to try to recreate the message that was being signed to Stiles in his daydream. Hopefully with it being vivid, he could accurately represent the message. Deaton focuses on Stiles hand movements as he begins to put it all together.

"When is a door not a door?" Deaton questions, looking at me to see if I understand what he's talking about. Stiles grows frustrated with the confusion surrounding the riddle when Scott pipes up.

"...When it's ajar." He states, all of us exchanging looks while Stiles begins to freak out more over not understanding what his subconscious is trying to relay to him. Deaton tries to calm him down by further analyzing for a deeper meaning. I almost had to snap in Stiles's face to get his attention back.

"When the three of you went under the water, when you crossed from consciousness to a kind of superconsciousness..." Deaton began. "You essentially opened a door in your minds."

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