Ch1E- Sakura's lunch time

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"Ino-Chan are you sure we should leave Nami-Chan behind?" The question filled with concern didn't even phase the Yamanaka heiress all she did was pause and smile.

"Sakura-Chan you already know that Nami-Chan doesn't like this kind of stuff, besides do you think she'd really want to spend her lunch time watching Sasuke-kun with us, face it she's just a weirdo I mean come look at her." Sakura couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe that Ino-Chan, the nicest person ever could be so mean.

"Nami-Chan isn't weird, she just likes to do things differently, that doesn't make her a weirdo." At this Ino merely laughed and gave Sakura a soft smile.

"I know that but it's just sometimes it seems that she doesn't like hanging out with us, I mean she almost always makes up excuses about having to work at the bakery whenever we ask her to come along to watch Sasuke-kun." Sakura only looked down with shame.

They didn't even consider wanting to do any of the things Nami liked, but then again Nami never said anything about it.

Sakura teared up.

Nami kept doing what they wanted and didn't ever say a word about it. She was just that nice.

"Ino-Chan I really think we should ask her to come, she doesn't really have any other friends here and I think she might get mad." Ino just stared at her and smiled.

"Sakura-Chan I don't think we need to worry about it okay." This caught her by surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean." Ino only pointed back at the window of their classroom and what she saw made her worries die down.

Nami was talking to the Akimichi boy.

That was a shock but Sakura was happy with that and soon enough the two girls continued their walk to the training grounds behind the school to see their Sasuke-kun.

It was a mistake that the two of them would never forget.


"Don't be d-dumb buildboard brow, why would Sasuke-kun like a c-clanless like you, it's obvious he would like me because I'm the heiress to my clan." The hesitation in Ino's voice went unnoticed by the pink haired girl as she looked at her to retort.

"Oh yea? Why would Sasuke-kun want an u-ugly pig like you huh?" The words that left her mouth stung, it hurt to talk to Ino like that but she couldn't think of anything better to do after Ino had said those things.

"Okay then,from this day forward we're rivals, alright forehead?" Sakura couldn't help but feel that the words that Ino had said had another meaning but she couldn't think of anything it could have ment other than war.

"You're on Ino-pig, I won't lose to you alright." Sakura didn't notice the soft look in Ino's eyes as they stared the other down, she wouldn't ever know how much it hurt for the other girl to give her a push forward.

And Ino would never tell her how much it hurt either.

The bell chimed in the distance and they both walked away.

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