Chapter 44

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Everything has been great at the guild, I've been back for 6+ months already and Natsu once again has been MEGA protective. It's less than 1 month till the child's due and I've already been sentenced to bed rest till then which is a pain in the ass.

"C'mon, I'm bored"



"Nope, not gonna happen"

While sitting up in bed in cross my arms grumpily turning my head away from him.

"Awww, don't be like that"

Natsu sits beside me in bed giving me a kiss on the head, I smile and pin him down with his back against the bed.

"I'm not letting you get up till you agree"

"That's fine by me, I'm more than happy to lay here beside you".

I think for a moment then smile evilly

I call out

Footsteps can be heard running down the hall and a mini dragon slayer jumps on the bed laughing.

"Hi mum, what's wrong?"

"Tackle you father for me"

Nodding happily he pushes Natsu out of the bed and watches him crash to the floor jumping off the bed and landing on top of him, I watch in amusement as Natsu was getting defeated by our young son.

"You can defeat a monster but can even protect yourself against a 3 and a half-year-old boy".

"To be fair, he's 3 years and 6 months"

"Wow, oh I'm so sorry"
I say sarcastically

"Well done Igneel, you have made me proud"

I point to Natsu as Igneel sits on my lap

"Entertain us..."

"Why me?"

I shrug

"I dunno, cause I asked"


"I'm carrying a damn kid and gotta go through the pain"

"Well, I helped make the kid and ----"

I give him a cold glare

"Be careful what you say next"

He swallows hard and smiles nervously then comes over and wraps his arms around us. I run my fingers through his hair and give both of them a kiss on the head.

"Hey Natsu"


"Why don't you take Igneel to the park, it's not fair that he has to stay home all day".

"WHAT! But what about you? I can't leave you"

"I'll be fine"

"I see if Mira can stay with you"

I sigh and nod trying to keep Natsu happy, glad that he was constantly thinking about me.


"Igneel and I will quickly go get her"

"See you when you get back from the park"

"See you then"

Receiving a kiss on the lips he heads out the door looking over his shoulder and shutting the door behind.
Roughly 10-15 minutes later Mira and Levy arrive smiling at me, Levy was getting pretty big in the belly with her not that far behind me.

"Hey Y/n, I hope you don't mind but Levy wanted to tag along"

"It's no problem at all"
I smile

"So how have you been going?"
Levy asked smiling

"I've been going good it's been a little boring at times but overall I'm fine, Natsu has been a little overprotective and doesn't let any males near me except for Igneel"

"That sounds like something he'd do, remember how he behaved when you were pregnant with Igneel"
Mira giggled

"Don't remind me, I don't know what was worst, childbirth or the first 4 months with him"

"Gajeel was the same but he all good now"

"How did you get him to calm down?"

Levy stayed silent and looked at the ground blushing bright red with a smile.

After chatting and laughing something happened that I had not been looking forward too... And it wasn't a contraction, when the others saw my face the 3 of us instantly knew what was happening especially when my water broke, Levy panicked for a moment and looked at Mira.

"Should I go get Natsu!?"

"No time, I need your help with this Levy just calm down, I need you to keep an eye on her ill be back with a towel and hot water"

Mira rushes out of the room while Levy stays by my side.

"It's gonna be ok Y/n"

Mira rushes back into the room with everything that was needed.

"All right... let's do this"


What seemed like 20 hours of intense pain was im guessing realistically 2-3 hours at most, I held a little Ragnar in my arms.

"Should I go get Natsu?"
Mira asked as she smiled down at the newborn

At that moment we all hear the front door open and close.

"Hey Y/n we're home, sorry we took so long, we lost track of time but Igneel had fun"

Mira and Levy winked at me and walked out the room greeting Natsu before he could walk in.

"Oh hi guys, thanks for looking after Y/n for me while I took Igneel to the park"

"Oh it's honestly no problem, we were happy to help"
Levy giggled

Mira nudged her with her elbow and smiled at Natsu.

"Call us if you ever need someone to babysit or just come over to keep Y/n company"

They walk to the door and looked over their shoulder.

"You 4 have fun"
They both said at the same time before quickly shutting the door and running off.


He pauses for a second with one eyebrow raised in confusion and walks toward the bedroom as igneel runs away to play with his toys.
I sit on the bed waiting for Natsu to walk in and greet Ragnar, I watch as the door starts to open.

"Sorry we took so long but we-----"

"Welcome back, I want you to meet Ragnar"

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