Chapter 26

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"We should do that more often" he chuckles putting his clothes back on.
"How are you feeling?" I ask looking over at him
"That depends"
"On what?..."
"If you're talking that relaxing thorough scrub down you gave me to relax or if you talking about something else" he gives me a wink and laughs
"Don't worry I'm only joking...or am I, guess we'll never know"
"I'm hoping you know that if you said that in public I'd kill you"
"That's why I said it here"
I roll my eyes and pick up the sleeping dragon kissing him on the head.
"Here, I'll carry him for you"
Handing Igneel over to natsu I pack up everything I had laid out, putting it all back into my travel bag.the 3 of us all trail back up the forest track towards the train station to our new destination...home.

Thankful I learned to control my motion sickness over the years now resulting in me just feel ill, I watch Natsu with his head out the window and Igneel playing/jumping on the seat across.
"Hey Natsu, rest your head it might help" looking at me with a green face he nods desperately to find a way to keep his lunch down, I hold his hand while gently running my fingers through his hair as I allow him to rest his head on my lap.
I get a small nod as he looks up then begins to wrap his arms around my lower waist and nuzzling his head in my stomach, we were close to magnolia but it was still a 15-minute journey but to Natsu to felt like 20 hours.

Finally, the train screeched to a stop and natsu jumped out the window kissing the ground as I walk off normally carrying Igneel.
"Why don't we take the travel bag home then head to the guild" he smiles
"I can meet you there with Igneel if it's easier"
I get a serious angry glare though it wasn't towards me
"No way, I'm not leaving you I don't care what happens. Cause there is no way I'm leaving you alone, not any more so no there's not a th--”
I put my hand over his mouth calming him down.
"It's alright, it was just a yes or no need to be like that"
"Alright, I just need to calm down... Ok"
"Good" I smile proudly giving him a long passionate kiss
"Let's get going"

Natsu kicks open the guild's door with Igneel on his shoulders as usual, looking around I spot lucy sitting at the bar as if nothing had happened, it was now obvious to me and Natsu that she was up to something clenching my fists tight to control my anger I approach her, she sees me and rolls her eyes. Then I said something I swore I would never say mainly because I found it annoying when natsu said it to others
"LUCY!, " she turned looking at me again waiting for me to finish.
I couldn't tell if she was afraid or just had a good poker face but she happily agreed, I walk beside Lucy and angrily whisper spitting venom in every word.
"I know you did something, it would work next time. And like I said, I will always come out on top so prepare for an ass-kicking"
I get a glare but return it with a smirk as we all walk outside not wanting to destroy the guild...again. We stand on a battlefield giving each other death glares and the occasional fierce growl could be heard.


The battle begins

I charge at lucy power charging in my body swirling through my veins as it glows showing through the top layer of my skin as I run at her top speed body-slamming her into a wall forcing her skin to absorb my charged attack of electricity that only a storm or lightning dragon dragonslayers could handle. The attack powers down in 5 minutes which means I just had to stand there tapping my foot waiting for it to wear off although I had technically won, this war wasn't over.

Finally, she got to her feet holding a key out in front of her.
"It's about time"
I get a death glare
"Open gate of the wa--”
Without using a full attack I just sped towards her giving her a nice bruise on the cheek.
"shut up"
Unable to get up it was clear from the beginning I was the victor.
Someone from behind picked me up and spun me around
"Natsu...put me down"
"How did you know it was me?"
"I just knew, where's igneel?"
"Erza wanted to babysit him with levy tonight, so it'll be just you a me"
A shiver went up my spine
"did you have anything planned?"
"I wouldn't say planned but let's just say  I think that we'll have fun"
"So what is this fun thing your thinking of?" I ask smirking and crossing my arms
He leans close to my ear whispering
"Don't worry about picking out an outfit"
"I'm looking forward to what's in store"

The sun began to set and people began to head home side by side we both raced to our house near the forest where we were thankful was away from the main town.
"I'll tell you the great thing about our house y/n"
"What's that?"
"No matter how much noise is made no one can hear"
"What is true"
"Your such a baka"
"Is that so?"
"Well then"
He picks me up bridal style and kicks our door open
"Let's see what a 'baka' can do"
Getting carried through the house he slips on a rug landing on a blanket laying on the floor.
"Screw it"
He pins me to the floor in front of the fireplace with the blanket over us as he kisses my hungrily going onto some kind of uncontrollable urge... This was going to be an exciting night.

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