(8)Seeing Red

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She knew that she was in danger, but she didn't think her family was too. She would have liked to think that this was an accident, but after the news she had just received from Jason, she didn't know. Her cries flew through the night, getting suffocated in her coughing fit. She heard a screeching noise and turned her head towards the left. It was then that more tears passed down her cheeks as she stared at her parents' car. She seen the two figures jump out of their expensive car quickly and charge towards her.

She had never known real relief until that day. 

"What happened?" Ana asked as she pressed Leigh's face against her own.

"I was coming back from the McFarroll's," Leigh stuttered, her voice sounding hoarse to her own ears. "It happened out of nowhere. I thought you were inside." Leigh began to heave as more tears came down her eyes. Her mother rubbed her back and muttered encouraging words into her ear.

"I can't believe this," her father announced, his voice sounding drained. "We always make sure the gas and lights are off when we leave the house."  Leigh nodded her head; she knew this for a fact.

"Everything we own was in that house," Ana said crying, "All of it."

"I'm calling the police and fire department," Leigh's father said. "You two try to find a smoke free zone."

Leigh was in shock. It was as if her situation was just now hitting her. She wasn't safe, neither was her family. She hated Jason for putting her in this situation, but she had to play it smart. Too many lives were at risk. She could go to the police, but who would believe that a mob all the way in New York was after her in California? It would have been taking a huge risk. She didn't want the mob to know that she knew about them. They would probably come at her harder. 

She thought back to Jason's words. She was not safe anywhere but with him. She didn't want to go back crawling to him with her tail between her legs, but just maybe she could make it work in her favor.

"Mom, go with dad," she said in a shaky voice. "There's something I need to do. I promise I will come back as soon as I'm finished." Her mother only nodded and scampered off towards her husband. Leigh hardened her face as she shakily took her keys from her pocket and headed back to her truck. She had to go back to the McFarroll house.

There was something she had to do.

When Leigh finally made it up in the elevator to Jason's room, he was standing up and staring blankly out the window. Folding her arms across her chest and rolling her eyes, she cleared her throat. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do it my way," she said, her voice hard with authority.

"Who says you're even wanted anymore?" Jason asked. He had a small glass with a dark liquid in it, probably alcohol. "You've been replaced."

"Like hell," Leigh said, feeling herself grow more and more confident with what she was about to say. "Now, be a good little prick and cooperate or-"

"Or what?" he said, turning around. He had half a smirk on his face as his silver eyes caught the bedroom lights and gave out a sparkle. "You're going try and slap me again? Or maybe write me a well thought out essay about your feelings." He scoffed.

"Or I will find that Tony person and tell him everything I know about you," Leigh said in a slow voice, making Jason's smirk fall. "I did my research and I know exactly where to find him, and I don't mind helping him take every penny that's owed to you. Even if it means I have to personally deal with every future fiancé of yours for the next year."

"You're rather moody today," was all he said.

"Well, seeing your parents' house explode into a million pieces could do that to a person," Leigh stated. She was tired of people using her and making her out to be a naive nineteen year old. She was going to get results, even if she had to lie and scheme to get them.

"Even though I find this tough girl act of yours mouthwatering, I can tell a mile away when someone is bluffing," he said calmly. "And you, my dear, are surely bluffing."

Leigh configured her face into complete malice.

"Big mistake," she said, turning towards the door.

"Wait!" Jason called out. Leigh smiled to herself, yet turned around and made her face completely blank.  "What are your terms?"

"I want half," she said with no hesitation. Jason scoffed, his head going back as he gave off a laugh.

"Let's try that again," he said, "What do you want?"

"Fifty percent."

Jason sighed, running his slender hands through his hair. "This is insane Leigh," he added. "What could you possible need fifty million dollars for?"

"That's none of your concern," she smiled, knowing that Jason was going to give in soon. "Do we have a deal or not?" Jason shook his head rapidly.

"Absolutely not," he exclaimed.

"Bummer," Leigh said sarcastically, faking a pout. "I guess I need to pack my things for New York. I'm sure Tony would be thrilled to see me."

"Thirty percent, and that's my final offer," Jason interjected. Leigh made a displeased face.

"Forty five percent."

"Damn it, Leigh," Jason argued. "You're pushing my patience." Leigh shrugged at him. She was going to get as much as she could rather he liked it or not. Her family house just burned down. She was going to get enough to compensate for her time, the house, and to pay back the McFarroll's every penny her family owes to them. "Forty percent."

"Forty percent and half the land and cars," Leigh urged. She bit her lip to keep from laughing at Jason's expression. Poor guy was looking like he was in so much pain.

"I've worked hard to get what's owed to me," he stated through gritted teeth. "I shouldn't even have to share."

"And my life shouldn't have been put in danger without me knowing it," Leigh argued back. "Now stop being greedy. Trust me, I will make it worth your while and play the part of a loving fiancé all so well." It was silent  for a few seconds before Jason let out a sigh.

"Fine," he said. "Forty percent is yours, along with the six acres of land and half of the cars." Leigh smiled, feeling accomplished. She didn't want to turn into a major bitch, but Jason deserved it. "Let's just hope your performance is as good as your bargaining skills."

"Great," she exclaimed. "Of course, I will want to see this agreement in writing before we move on any further."

"Of course" Jason said sarcastically. He was clearly very upset. Before, it would have scared Leigh, but not anymore. She had come to the terms that the only way to beat people like the McFarroll's is to play their own game and win, and that's exactly what she was going to do.

"You know," she stated, walking towards him slowly and giving his cheek a peck. "I might actually start to like this whole fiancé thing." Jason swatted her away, not feeling like dealing with her and what he thought to be her split personality. "Leigh McFarroll actually has a nice ring to it. What do you think?" Leigh was teasing him, and he knew it. It only added fuel to his fire

"Get out."



Okay guys. Things have taken a turn. Sorry about the super late update, but what did you think? Like it, love it, hate it?

The Rich and ScandalousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora