5.The Saint of Last Resorts(part 1)

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''Tea.'' John said and placed a cup on the table for me. I was sitting on the sofa reading my book while Zed was upstairs in her room drawing. 

''Thank you.'' I said and he sat on the arm of the sofa.

''Are you feeling any better?'' he asked and I closed my book before taking the cup from the table.

''I think so.'' I said and took a small sip.

''I can tell when there's something in your head, luv.'' he said while a smirk.

''I can't stop thinking about the protection spell. I haven't stop thinking about it since we came back from Kentucky.'' I told him.

''You're wondering why did the protection spell didn't catch you.'' he stated and I nodded.

''I am a fallen angel John. I'm the face of evil.'' I said and turned my body towards him.

''You were. Maybe all this was a second chance.'' he said and I shook my head refusing to believe it.

''Trust me, this wasn't a second chance.'' I told him and before anything else could be said Zed walked inside holding a few of her drawings. She came and sat next to me on the couch with a loud sigh. ''What's wrong?'' I asked her and she gave me the drawings. They were scetches of shadows from hell or monsters and spirits.

''I'm having nightmares about these things.'' she said.

''Maybe it's from your interaction with a fallen angel.'' John said and I nodded.

''Yeah, I thought so too, but then I drew this.'' she said and gave us another drawing. John took it and stared at it.

''This twisted little horror show is an Invuche.'' John said as I looked at the drawing.

''Must've missed that class in Sunday school.'' Zed said.

''Invunche don't get a shout out in the Good Book, but they ripped a few throats back in Noah's day. Believe me. Nast bastards.'' John explained.

''Unstoppable.'' I said and Zed looked at me.

''Luckily they all went out in the last flood. Give the history lesson a break, eh? Do a bloody crossword or something.'' John said and Zed chuckled before getting up.

''I'll go take a shower.'' she said and headed towards the bathroom. 

''I'll be right back, luv.'' John said and quickly walked up the stairs. I sighed and took another sip of my tea.

''He never learned to make proper tea.'' I told myself and got up to add some more sugar. Suddenly in front of was a girl and when I figuered out who she really was my eyes widened. ''Annie?'' I breathed out.

''I didn't know you were still with him, Clem.'' she said and I was too freaked out to answer.

''John! JOHN!'' I finally started shouting until I heard him come down the stair.

''Good God, woman, I'm not deff alright? I can hear you.'' he said but when he saw Annie heis eyes widened too. ''Anne-Marie?'' he asked as he stood next to me. ''Are you alright?'' he asked.

''Would I've come to you, if I was alright?'' she asked.

''You're not here.'' I said.

''Where are you?'' John asked.

''Mexico, I need your help.'' she said.

''Are you hurt?'' I asked.

''No, something stole a baby and killed the mother. It ripped into her.'' Annie said. I then went to touch her forgeting she wasn't here indeed and my hand went right through her.

AGAINST THE ODDS| John ConstantineWhere stories live. Discover now