2.Rage of Caliban (part 2)

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Once we were inside the house we walked around quietly. ''It knows we're here.'' John said apparently feeling the energy that came from the house. Something only he and I could feel. 

''The spirit?'' Claire asked.

''The house.'' I answered and she looked at me confused.

''Any place a tragedy occurred festes with energy. You learn to sense it, after a while.'' he explained. Suddenly crows flew out of the room making Claire scream slightly. John immediately got close to me to protect me. When they were gone we looked at each other. ''Are you okay?'' he asked me and Claire. We both nodded. He turned around to walk inside another room but jumped slightly because of Chas standing there.

''All clear.'' Chas said and I smiled at him before we all walked inside the other room.

''The murders happpend inside this room. This is where we'll hold the ceremony.'' John announced. ''Shall we then?'' he said with a smirk.

We lit a lot of candles and sat down on the floor in a circle.''We must hold hands and not break contact. Not until I recide the binding spell. Is that clear?'' he asked and we nodded.

''You'll do just fine.'' I told Claire since I noticed she was nervous. John closed his eyes and took a calming breath.

''Oh clever spirit of the dead, invader of flesh, traveller through time, we present you offerings from life into death and invite you into our circle. Move among us. Oh clever spirit of the dead, spiller of blood, destoyer of families, we command you into our circle. Move among us, now.'' John said and I felt Claire moving. ''Don't break the circle.'' John told her.

''It's coming.'' Claire said and I opened my eyes to look towards the door. I could see a shadow moving. Suddenly after a few seconds of agony waiting for the spirit to appear, in it's place walked in a deer with only three legs. John sighed along with me. ''A three legged deer? What does that mean?'' she asked John.

''It means we're wasting our bloody time.'' John said and got up.

''What went wrong?'' Claire asked confused.

''Maybe Marcello was never possessed. He killed his parents on his own, the spirit wouldn't have a connection to this place.'' Chas said as I thought about what was going on.

''No! His house is on the ley line just like all the other places the spirit went.'' John said. ''Oh, come on John, what are you missing?'' he asked himself and placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose before closing his eyes. Suddenly Claire got up too.

''Henry is going to wake up in a while. I'm afraid he's going to go after my husband. We need to get this thing out of him.'' she exclaimed.

''You do not want an exocirsm, Claire. Trust me.'' John said.

''I do.'' she said and we looked at her. ''Trust you.'' she finished.

''Maybe I don't trust myself.'' he said and looked away.

''John, I need you to save my son.'' she said and he looked back at her.

''Let's go. Now!'' John said and we all got out of the house and to the cars quickly.


We finally reached their house and opened the door. Darell was sitting on the sofa while Henry was dressed in a zombie costume. As soon as Darell saw us the look on his face darkned.  ''Darell.'' Claire said. 

''Where have you been? I've been calling.'' he said and then saw us.

''Listen I need to explain.'' Claire said.

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