4.Blessed are the Damned (Part 2)

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''It's getting louder.'' I said. ''There.'' I said again and I pointed at what seemed to be a girl beneath some tree leaves. When we got closer to her the voices stopped and I saw that see was indeed an angel. I stayed there with wide eyes watching her. I coul've sworn I knew her. She looked familiar. John immediately helped me get her up and covered her wings with a blanket we found a few meters away. Finally we reached a farm which looked abandoned and walked inside the barn. John helped me carry the angel until we let her sit on a chair. When she looked at me her gold eyes widened. 

''Clementine?'' she asked her voice breaking. Then some memories came back and I remembered her. 

''Imogen...'' I breathed out and hugged her immediately. 

''You know her?'' John asked while Zed was staring at us.

''Apart from being a sister, Imogen was my best friend.'' I told him and then turned back to her.

''There is nothing else you remember?'' she asked and I sadly shook my head.

''My time here brings my memories to fade completely.'' I said and she looked at me. Something though wasn't right. I could've sworn I was missing something.

''Is this the one you know?'' Zed finally spoke.

''No this one is a lot prettier.'' John said and Imogen smiled.

''What happend Imogen?'' I asked her.

''I was taking a dying mortal to heaven. I don't know how but, he pulled a feather from my wing. He was revived. I fell to earth.'' Imogen said.

''That must be what I saw on my vision.'' Zed said.

''The only way an angel can enter our plane in physical form is damage to the wings.'' I explained to them.

''Just one feather.'' John said.

''So that's what Zachary has. An angel's feather.'' Zed said and suddenly my brother appeared without taking Zed's body this time.

''Picked your interest now, brother?'' I asked him and Zed looked around confused.

''Who is she talking to?'' Zed asked John.

''The ugly one.'' John said and I smiled upon hearing that. Manny knelt next to Imogen while Zed walked around trying to figure out where Manny is.

''Are you okay?'' Manny asked Imogen.

''I don't know. Everything hurts.'' Imogen said while Zed walked with her hands in front of her just behind Manny.

''You could've helped us find her faster, you know.'' John said and Zed noticed where he was looking.

''Is he over here?'' Zed asked as she stood behind him. Manny stood up straight.

''I didn't know she fell, John. Angels are compartmentalized. All part of the plan to prevent our interference, keep humanity's free will intact.'' Manny said.

''A little to your right, Zed.'' I told her and Manny threw me a glance.

''Are riddles and minimally helpful guidance also part of the plan?'' John asked Manny.

''A mortal has never been able to release an angle's feather before. Imogen doesn't belong here. She won't last.'' Manny said.

''Ask him if the angel can die.'' Zed said.

''Yes.'' Manny said. ''Her soul is extinguish. We simply cease to exist.'' he explained.

''We need to get that feather back.'' I said.

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