“Why is this happening?”

After Jungkook collected his shit together, he rushed through the Hospital where Jimin is. He can feel his heart pounding so fast, he can’t breathe but he’s still trying to be strong. He needs to. He went to the nurse station and asked where his husband is and they said that he was currently in a surgery, Jimin is in a critical condition. The police tried talking to him but he can’t even understand what they were saying, his sanity left his body, too much to handle for a day. He took his phone out of his pocket and contacted Namjoon, his best friend.

“Jungkook-ah? Why did you call?” the other line said when he answered the Younger’s call.

“Hyung, I-I’m in theh-hospital” Jungkook said trying to fight his tears.

“What happened? What Hospital? Where are you?”

“*** Hospital, Ji…Jimin” Jungkook finally cried after saying Jimin’s name, he finally let go all of the emotions he was trying to suppress. Since the time he saw the divorce papers till the nurse’s said that his husband is currently in a critical condition. Everything is too much for him to handle. His source of strength is fighting for his life. He let his body fall on the ground, he has no strength to either sit down or to even stand up. He just cried his heart out and not giving a damn to those people who’s staring nd talking about him. He just want to let it all out.


It’s been an hour since Jungkook arrived at the hospital and Jimin is still inside the operating room. He can’t wait anymore, the longer he waits the more paranoid he became. Namjoon felt Jungkook’s uneasiness, he tapped the younger’s shoulder, trying to reassure him that everything will be fine. Namjoon arrived 30 minutes after the call, no matter how strong and tough Jungkook is, when it comes to Jimin he became the weakest. He also gave Seokjin, his husband whose Jimin’s lawyer and friend, a call. He needed to know what happened and said he will go right after his current client. Namjoon also informed some of their friends about Jimin and they just need to finish each other’s businesses and they’ll go straight at the hospital. Jungkook needs all the support right now but most important, he needed Jimin right now.

A doctor went out of the operating room that made both Jungkook and Namjoon to stand up, as they asked if how’s Jimin. The doctor breathed deeply and gave the answer that they need “we tried our best, Mr.Jeon”

“What’s the problem, doc?” Jungkook asked. Hands are shaking and his whole body feeling numb

“He’s brain dead. We just put him in a life support but that doesn’t guarantee anything. We’re very sorry”

Jungkook’s world shattered completely. He lost him, he did. He might still be breathing due to his life support but he knows that won’t bring back his husband. He can’t lose him, he can’t and he won’t. “Don’t take out his life support. He’s not gonna leave me, he will never do that. He’ll wake up, you’ll see” Jungkook sounded like he was conving himself instead of the doctor in front of him. Namjoon can’t bear what he is seeing right now. It’s so hard for him to accept the truth and seeing Jungkook like this is hurting him more.

“If you really want to get rid of me Jimin, I’ll fucking sign that divorse papers, just fucking wake up and tell this dumb doctor that you’re not brain dead” the younger pleaded to Jimin, as if he can hear him still but that won’t bring back anything, not even Jimin’s life.

“Take off the life support” they heard a familiar voice and saw that it was Kim Seokjin, Jungkook faked laughed to what he just heard, as if that was the most hilarious joke he ever heard, but Seokjin kept his poker face that implies that he was serious about what he just said.

“H…hyung, don’t do this to me” the younger walked towards Seokjin and kneeled in front of him “I’ll sign the divorce papers, just don’t let them take his life support. Please, I’m begging, hyung” Jungkook said in plea while kneeling and crying in front of him. Seokjin gathered his strength ad still manage not to breakdown as well, it hurts him to  seeing Jungkook in bended knees begging at him and also taking out Jimin’s life support. He took a deep breath and looked emotionlessly to the younger.

“No matter what you choose, kook. You’ll still end up losing him”

“Why does he even wants a divorce?” the younger asked. Seokjin took something from his bag, it’s a white envelope, and handed it to Jungkook. He took the envelope and check what was inside, it was a letter from Jimin.



How are you? Are you doing well? Are you achieving your dreams still? Sorry I had to leave. Sorry cause I forced you for a divorce. By the time, you are reading this, I’m already gone in this world and I’m in the place where there’s no more pain or sadness. Writing this makes my heart break, I’m still with you but I’m already preparing to leave you. I’m so sorry, kookie. This is the last thing I wanted to do, that’s to hurt you and right now I don’t have a choice baby. I have a brain tumor, I have brain cancer and I’m dying soon. I wanted you to be free and find someone who you can be with FOREVER. It’s just that, it’s not me baby. I’ll try to fight this disease of mine but if something went wrong, please let me go, don’t burden yourself. None of this is your fault. Live for me, Baby. Okay? I love you so much, Jungkook, and forever wil. Let’s not meet too soon, okay? You need to share me things you did when you were 60, 70 or even a 100.

Your catalyst,
Jeon Jimin


Jungkook hugged the handwritten letter of Jimin and let himself cry, Seokjin and Namjoon let themselves cry with him, if only things happened differently maybe Jimin ang Jungkook will find a way and fight together but it looks like fate isn’t on Jimin’s side either. They had to deal it the hard way and it’s breaking them. They let Jungkook to let everything out until he decides what to do. Even tho Jimin’s will is to not prolong his suffering, in the end Jungkook still holds the decision.

Their friends arrived after a while and Jin told them what happened, Taehyung shed the most tears among them, he’s his soulmate after all. It feels like he just lost a brother. The boys tried comforting Taehyung and Jungkook, by giving them water and making them eat. When Jungkook stood up and said the most painful words for everyone of them.

“I decided that we’ll take off his life support. I don’t want him to suffer more” Jungkook managed to say that without stuttering or even shedding tears but deep inside him, it’s crushing him. Seokjin called the doctor and passed what Jungkook decided. The doctor arrived right away and lead them to where Jimin is and there they saw a peaceful Jimin. He doesn’t look like he’s brain dead at all, he looks like he’s just in his deep slumber. The doctor was about to turn of the machine when Jungkook stopped him.

“Can I be the one who’ll turn it off?” he asked trying to sound brave, his friends was shocked about his decision but they let him, the doctor nodded and gave way to Jungkook. The younger walked towards Jimin’s side and sat on his bed and held his hand.

“Jimin-ah, I don’t want to let go yet but I don’t have any choice, right? I want to bring back time and  made you come with me at home to at least prevent this but I know I cant” the room was filled with sobs that even the doctor can’t hide the tears from watching Jungkook saying his final goodbye. “You’ll be my angel even if you’re physically gone, right? Cause you were always had been my angel and I still want you to be” Jungkook’s voice is starting to break as tears continuously flow from his eyes.

“I love you so much, Jiminie. I’ll miss you so much, I know you’ll miss me too. Wait for me there, okay? I’ll tell you a lot of stories and I’ll make sure I lived my life well. I love you baby” Jungkook cupped Jimin’s cheeks as he kissed his forehead, little nose and his plump lips. “Goodbye, my love. Till we meet again” Jungkook stood up and went to the machine. He looked once again to Jimin and to his friend, who’s also a crying mess, he took a deep breath and faced the machine as he turned off the machine.

He’s free…

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