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I received a call from Jimin saying that we should meet at a beach where he used to go and watch the sunset. Jimin loves seeing the sun sets, the moon rises and hear the ocean waves for it calms him.

"Why did you want to meet?" I speak as i was a foot a way from him, to get his attention. He looked at me with those small eyes that form crescent every time he smiles. Those eyes that made me drawn inside its pits and never want to be saved.

"I need to tell you something" He started, and looked the view in front of him. The touch of pink, orange and yellow at the sky made the setting sun looked mesmerizing. "Going into this place makes me reminisce our good times together, how we met, how you ignored and pushed me back then, how i chased you nonstop and--"

"--and eventually stopped." I cutted his words. It was true that we don't have a good start 'cause i was pushing him  away. No, it's not because i don't like him. I got so nervous everytime he's near me, my heart pounds quickly and make my cheeks heat up every time he's a foot away. I love Jimin and i don't want him to know how i feel, for i don't want to put our friendship at risk. He means so much to me and i don't want to lose him.

"You stopped being near me, your focus wasn't on me anymore, you ignored me and it made my days back then incomplete. It feels like I was longing for something but i can't blame you, i was such a dick back then" i laughed a bit to lighten up the mood.

"I'm sorry, Gguk" A hint of sadness was visible on his voice.

A thought suddenly pops into my mind. I need to tell Jimin how i feel towards him, i need to tell him why i was acting like a dick back then, i need to tell him everything before it's too late. I'm ready to risk it all. I don't want to be a coward and continue hiding, i nned to man enough. It's now or never.

"Jimin, i don't hate you" I caught his attention that made him looked at me with his confused eyes. "Sorry for what i acted before but believe me i didn't push you away 'cause i hate you nor i don't like you, i did that because I L---"


I looked at where the voive came from and saw a man running towards Jimin and crashed him into a tight hug. I felt a pang in my chest, it feels like my world is crashing.

"I was so worried when i saw your apartment empty and you're not even answering my calls. I came hurriedly here when I remembered you always come here. Don't leave again without saying anything. God, you scared me Jimin" the man said worriedly still hugging my world but Jimin held him tightly too while gently caressing his back.

"Hush now, I am fine" Jimin gently uttered, the softness of his voice, his smile, his eyes forms crescent, his genuine happiness was visible the moment he saw the man. Who is he? Why does he have that effect on Jimin? Damn.

They let go of each others hug as the man caress Jimin's cheek lightly as he could, as if it was a fragile figurine that it would break if he wouldn't be gentle. Their eyes are speak for them , they don't need to talk for them to feel connected.

Why do i feel like i'm some kind of antagonist here? I feel like i'm interrupting something? Am i too late? I guess i am.

"Jungkook" i heard Jimin called me and so i gaze on him, his hand holding the man's hand.

"This is Namjoon, My fiancé"


His fiancé.

A 6 letter word that made my heart shatter.

A single word that made my whole world fall.

A word that made my defeat clear.

He took something on his pocket and handed it over to me. It's a wedding invitation with both their names written on it. Am i dreaming? How did this happened? How much time did i waste for this to happen? I really let him slipped away, i chose friendship over love and i guess this is destiny saying 'It's what i wished for'.

I felt a warm arms wrapping unto me, it was Jimin, hugging me.

"I loved you, Jungkook. It's just that i got tired of the chase and Namjoon was there to pick me up every time i fall. He was my remedy. I waited, Gguk but i deserve to be happy too" A tear escaped in my eyes. I was at fault, i was a damn coward and this is what happened. If i only i chose to risk it all before. If only i did what my heart says. I wouldn't see my world into someone's arms.

He lets go and turned his back at me, I hurriedly held his hand, "I am happy for you, Jimin"

"Thank you" he said without looking at me. He shoved my hand and walked away. Walking towards his new home, his remedey, his love and everything. I wish i was him, how i wish.

"I am happy that you're happy, even tho I ain't the reason of it. I love you, Jimin"

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