|| Cafe & School Supplies ||

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•In The Last Chapter Of Kimetsu no High-School•

Shinobu's Pov:
"We have a date, actually. Sorry I didn't say it before."

Kanae's Pov:
"Why's that?"

Shinobu's Pov:
"Well, I invited two friends to have some coffee and I want you to meet them... Tomioka is one of them."
I said trying to hide my blush.

Kanae's Pov:
"I'm so ready for this! I want to see who this lover of yours is!"
I hugged my sister, and we both giggled.

•We Continue•

Tomioka's Pov:
*ring ring*
I sighed as the annoying alarm went off.
"It's 8:30 in the mor-"
I hit the alarm with my right hand, and got off the bed.
Running my hand through my long hair, I grabbed some clothes and a towel.
"Time to get ready..."
I whispered to myself while getting inside the shower.

*Sanemi's Home*

Genya's Pov:
"Hey, Sanemi! Isn't it late already?"
I hit his head with a pillow, then walked out of his room.

Sanemi's Pov:
"What? I'm trying to sleep... go away!"
Covering my head and ears with the pillow he threw at me, I closed my eyes again and tried to get more sleep.

Genya's Pov:
"Ah, what was his name? Mmm Tomioka?... I saw him earlier with Shinobu-San. They looked veryyyy happ-"
Sanemi got up so quick it seemed he disappeared into thin air.
He pushed me away and ran through the hall trying to fix his hair.

Sanemi's Pov:
"Where at?! Sh*t I forgot we had our date! What time is it? When did you see the-"
Genya rolled his eyes and slapped the back of my head with his hand.

Genya's Pov:
"I lied. But, you're going to be late if you don't get ready now."

Sanemi's Pov:
"You little...."
Calming down I crossed my arms, and went back to my room to get ready.

*Tomioka's Home*
With the towel around my waist, covering my lower half, I fixed my wet hair and grabbed my phone.
"Should I text Kocho? She didn't even say at what time we should meet..."
I looked at my reflection on the mirror then back to my phone.
"Oh? New notification?... a text from Kocho."
I felt my face hot, and covered it with my left hand.



Today 9:01 am

Hey! Let's meet at 10! See you there.

Sure, see you.


*At the cafe*

Tomioka's Pov:
"9:50 am"
I whispered to myself as I sat on a random table.
She's going to be here soon, how is she gonna look? Do I even look good?
I have so many questions.
Leaning forward in the chair, I crossed my arms and rested them on the table.

"You're early"

I felt a heavy hand grab my shoulder, and that voice made my mind go crazy... jealousy?
"Good morning, Sanemi"
I said without looking at his face.
He sat on the opposite side of the table, facing me. He looked nervous, yet happy, and he kept grabbing his hands... he looked somewhat anxious.
He was wearing a tight white unbuttoned shirt, some black pants, and his usual messy silver/white hair. Not that I liked his style, but he looked cool if compared to me, wearing a plain black t-shirt and boring jeans.

Sanemi's Pov:
I couldn't stop shaking my right leg and grabbing my hands. I felt a bit sweaty and nervous... very nervous to meet with Shinobu-San.
I felt a bit of tension, and looked at Tomioka who kept staring at me with his usual poker face.
"Sup? Like what you see?"
I said sarcastically.

Tomioka's Pov:
"I do..."
I said looking at Kocho who was entering the cafe.
She was wearing a short baby blue dress, white tights covering her legs, and her hair down... isn't that unusual? She never lets her hair down, she looks beautiful.
Behind her is her sister who seems to be older than her, probably my age.

Sanemi's Pov:
I was about to call him all sort of things, but I noticed he looked at the entrance. I looked as well, and noticed shinobu with her sister.
My anger immediately faded away when I saw Shinobu-San.
They looked somewhat alike, but her sister seemed older, with longer hair, and rose/pink eyes.
"Shinobu-San, good morning!"
Both Tomioka and I got up to greet them, but I got in the way before he could reach her.
I wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, but instead blushed when she got near me.

Shinobu's Pov:
"Good morning, Tomioka-San and Sanemi-San. She is my sister, Kanae."
I clasped my hands together and gave them a big smile.

Kanae's Pov:
"Good morning, how are you both? Oh! But, first please take a seat."
I saw Tomioka move quickly and help my sister sit. Sanemi kept staring at Shinobu, and then realized Tomioka had helped her out.
He pouted, and looked somewhat annoyed.
Giggling at the scene I tried to move a chair to sit, but Sanemi looked at me and helped me instead.
"Thank you very much, Sanemi. Very nice of you."
I sat next to Sanemi, and Shinobu sat next to Tomioka. I'm pretty sure Tomioka had sat next to her on purpose, but it made me feel so happy for my sister.

Sanemi's Pov:
I can't deny the fact that Tomioka being near Shinobu annoys me, but I have to control myself.
I looked at Kanae, and decided to help her. I don't want to seem rude, and she seems to be a really nice person.
We talked for a while and I got to know a little about Kanae.
She's a teacher, she loves to give gifts to her students, and most importantly, she loves Shinobu.

Kanae's Pov:
After talking for almost two hours about random things, and having coffee, it was time for me to go shopping for some school supplies.
"I'm so sorry for the interruption, but I must go. I totally forgot I had to buy school supplies for my students."
I winked at Shinobu, making sure no one else saw me. It was also a plan to leave my sister with Tomioka, so it would benefit her and I.
I stood up, grabbed my purse and before leaving, I looked at Sanemi.
"Uhm, sorry to bother you Sanemi-San... would you like to help me out with the school supplies? If you don't mind of course."
It's not that I need help, but this was a great opportunity to leave my sister and her crush alone.

Shinobu's Pov:
Listening to what Kanae said made me choke a bit on the sip of coffee I was drinking.
I looked at Kanae in confusion, then back to Sanemi, waiting on a response.

Sanemi's Pov:
I looked at Kanae then to Shinobu.
I didn't want to leave Shinobu alone with Tomioka, but I didn't want to seem rude... much less to my crush's older sister.
Trying not to make it obvious I wanted to stay, I accepted her offer.
"Sure! I'll help."
We said our goodbyes, and I left with Kanae.
For about 10 minutes we walked in awkward silence, and I shared some forced smiles once in a while.
It's not that I disliked Kanae, but I was jealous and worried about Shinobu.
I felt her small, weak finger poke my left arm.
"Huh? What's wrong Kanae-San?"

Kanae's Pov:
I smiled and looked at the floor as we kept walking.
"What's bothering you?... Is it my sister?"

Sanemi's Pov:
I looked down at her, she was looking down, but I couldn't tell why.
"Well, something like that..."
I kept staring at her, when suddenly she looked up at me.
Making eye contact I felt my face hot. I hadn't noticed her beautiful eyes, smooth light skin, and small lips.
"Oh, sorry"
I looked away trying to hide my face.
I heard her giggling, and it only made it worse.

Kanae's Pov:
"No worries, Sanemi-San. My sister is very strong and smart. She'll be fine on her own."
I stopped walking and pointed at the store next to us.
"It's here. Let's buy some school supplies!"
I looked up at him and gave him a smile.

Sanemi's Pov:
"Uh, yeah..."
I looked at the store then back at her smiling face.
"Can I ask you something, Kanae-San?"

Hello guys!
Hope y'all are doing great, have a nice day/night and stay safe.
Wash your hands!🦠❤️✨

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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