Chapter Fifteen: To New Heights

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//heed the trigger warnings in the description//

Izuku flopped on his bed, lifting his new prize into the air above his face.

The fingers of the hand were limp, hopelessly grasping towards nothing. Izuku wiggled it a bit, giggling inanely as it flopped to-and-fro.

Finally, he turned the wrist to his face, scanning the strange plug-in slots with a critical eye. What were they? What purpose did they serve?

He pulled on the metallic bits, but they didn't budge. He frowned and sat up with a disappointed sigh. He trudged over to his closet, somewhat dejected, and pulled it open.

Izuku posed the hand delicately next to the mangled remains of the eye.

His frown deepened at his meager collection. It was so slow going, and he had hardly anything to show for it. His hands clenched at his sides before he shook them out with vigor and turned away from the closet.

Izuku sat heavily on his desk chair, dragging a brand-new notebook in front of him and pulling out a Sharpie. With a diligent hand, he carefully spelled out each kanji with a clinical stiffness.

The Quirk Collection Program

A grin split across his face once more as he looked at the title with satisfaction. A detailed plan was what he was missing.

The shadow in the corner purred.

He was startled out of his reverie by his mother's shrill voice, calling him to dinner.

He patted the notebook and stood up, slinking out of his room and into the kitchen.

The air surrounding his mother was even more tense than usual and she merely gestured with a stiff hand at the table, not turning from where she was hunched over the oven.

A strange feeling twisted in Izuku's stomach as he sat down. Something was going to happen. He felt jittery.

It was just his luck that he chose the chair facing away from his mother. His only warning was the creak of the floorboards before he was throwing himself out of the way of a sharpened knife blade.

He stared at his mom who was prying the knife out of the table.

He felt light-headed.

"What is this..." Izuku mumbled as Inko finally freed her weapon from the table.

Her sunken in eyes were crazed as she lunged for him again. He stepped out of the way again.

"You ruined my life!" the woman screeched as she slashed at him, Izuku dodging out of the way each time.

He was confused. What was one supposed to do in situations such as these. The woman was still screaming at him while he puzzled it out.

I guess the most logical thing to do would be fighting back, he thought as he backed into the counter, grabbing whatever utensil his hand knocked into.

He came away with a fork. Not the most efficient, but good enough.

He dodged another blow and saw an opening.

For a split second, he considered what he was about to do. This woman had given him life, had cooked for him, and raised him- albeit poorly. Sure, she was trying to kill him, but she was his mother.

He sighed. Oh well.

Without wasting anymore time, he struck out as quickly as possible. His aim was true as the prongs of the fork forced their way into her neck.

Izuku felt that if he could listen well enough, he would be able to hear the individual tissues snap and give way.

With a tug of his arm, he tore the fork back to his side. What followed were spurts of blood that seemed timed to the beat of Izuku's own heartbeat.

The coppery liquid sprayed across his face and clothes before his mother fell to the floor.

Wide-eyed, he peered down at the freshly made corpse. His mother's eyes stared back, accusing.

Izuku dropped the fork, hands shaking from left over adrenaline (excitement?).

His lips twitched and a bark of laughter forced its way out of him.

He'd never felt anything like this before.

Soon giggles spilled from his lips, loud and uncontrollable.

This was a different kind of high- something incredibly new and separate from what he felt when looking at Kacchan or Todoroki. He felt energized.

He felt... powerful.


/And so it begins

This lovely piece of fanart (that got turned on its side, I blame wattpad) is by KokichiOuma7117! Thank you so much!!//

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This lovely piece of fanart (that got turned on its side, I blame wattpad) is by KokichiOuma7117! Thank you so much!!//

I hope this chapter turned out well-

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