Chapter Ten: The Boy of Fire and Ice

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Izuku squinted his eyes, peering deep into his bathroom mirror. He tilted his head side to side, maintaining eye contact with his reflection. The pupils weren't dilated, and neither were they sheer pinpricks.

Izuku wasn't drugged, as far as he could tell. So why was there a twisting shadow figure in the corner of his bedroom?

Izuku ran a hand through his curls before straightening up and exiting the bathroom. He softly entered his own room, keeping his eyes trained on the dark shape in the corner. It hadn't moved in the minutes that Izuku was gone.

The longer Izuku stared at the thing, the more blurry the edges of his vision got, so he tore his eyes away and sat at his desk. The figure remained a silent feature in his room as he completed his homework. Eventually, Izuku stopped paying any attention to it, figuring that if it was going to do something, it would've done it by now. Instead, he turned on his computer, intent on looking up his class roster.

Intelligent eyes flicked over the UA website. Of course there would be no public roster. Privacy issues and all that. Even public schools had enough decency not to put the names of their students on display.

Izuku would have to go deeper. As in, log in as one of the teachers. That feat happened to be disappointingly easy. The security of the school was so flimsy, Izuku smiled to himself.

Opening the search bar, he typed "Class 1-A" and scrolled through the teens listed. He ignored most of the pictures that popped up, although he did linger on Kacchan's profile for a bit; but Kacchan wasn't who he was looking for. Earlier that day, Izuku hadn't caught the name of the elusive white and red headed boy and Izuku's curiosity was clawing at him.  His need to discover was choking him- burning his throat.

There, close to the bottom of the listing, was the one he was there for. He clicked on the picture, opening the student profile.

Shouto Todoroki. Age: fifteen.

Izuku scrolled down farther, muttering to himself. "Ah... So he got in on recommendations, hmm. His father is... Endeavour?"

Izuku swallowed. Endeavour was second only to All Might himself. Adrenaline spiked within Izuku. He had to know this... Todoroki's Quirk.

His eyes scanned all over the page before landing on it.

Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot.

Izuku screwed up his nose. What a stupid thing to call a Quirk. He hoped the description was better.

Oh, it was.

Two Quirks. Two extremes on either side of his body. Ice and fire!

Izuku rested his chin on his hand, swiping his tongue over his teeth. What a beautiful specimen. He bet Endeavour had participated in a Quirk marriage. An archaic and primitive method to be sure, but it seems like this time it wielded results. Izuku wondered how many times Endeavour had tried before getting what he wanted.

Silly man. If he had enough time on his hands to do this, he could've just spent it on discovering a way to get two Quirks at once.

Izuku closed out of the site and spun in his chair, still actively ignoring the whatever-it-was in the corner.

He stood, wandering over to his bed and laying down. He stretched his arms above his head, eyes half lidded.

Tomorrow he would approach Todoroki, he thought. It didn't matter that his way of starting conversations was unconventional at best. He had to become acquainted with the boy before anyone else could. He curled up onto his side, mind made up.

And in the silence, right before he drifted to sleep, he swore he could hear something breathing.

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