Chapter 5: Opposites Attract

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"Corner him! He's going left!"

"Left! Got it!"

"No, no, MY left! Dammit, he's headed into that apartment complex! Cut him off!"

"Oh my god, I'm TRYING! Hold on! Let me get to a better spot-!"

Spider-Man was cut off as he swung into a window opposite of Alpha Girl, who ran down the streets to block off the other side. She, Spider-Man, and the police were chasing down a green monster known as the Jackal who had stolen a projectile weapon from Stark Tech. So far? No luck, considering Spidey was on the phone with someone in the midst of the pursuit.

"For real? Who calls someone in the middle of a chase?!" she thought to herself wildly. Right at that moment, her phone rang. Skidding to a stop and pulling it out of her pocket to check who it was, she saw that her other friend, Gwen Stacy, was the caller. Sighing, she answered. "I do, apparently."

"Er, hi, Gwen! What's up?"

"Hey, Marie. I'm on my way to the Osborn Academy unveiling. Are you coming?"

"Yes, I'm coming, but I'm a little-*urgh!* Held up!"

Alphie stopped mid-sentence when she twisted her body mid-air to avoid a retaliating shot from the Jackal. As she balanced herself on the railing of a fire escape, the Jackal let out a loud roar right into her phone ear. She retracted it for a moment to give an offended scoff, then rose it again to put Gwen on hold.

"'Scuse me, Gwen, but can you give me a moment?" she asked sweetly. Once she was sure she was on mute, she wheeled on the Jackal with a furious look. "HEY! I am on the PHONE! You supervillains are SO rude!"

With a mighty spin-kick, Alpha Girl sent the Jackal flying off the fire escape. He managed to evade the fall by swinging on one of the lower levels and jumping to the rooftops, but Spidey and Alphie were close behind.

"Are you seriously calling someone in the middle of hot pursuit?" Spidey asked as he swung beside Alphie.

"I wouldn't be saying that so BOLDLY if I had a web-coated phone in my hand, Bug Boy," she teasingly retaliated, going back to her own phone. "Yes, I'm back, Gwen. Tell Anya I'll be there. Where are you, anyways?"

"I didn't say I was there," Gwen admitted from the street corner she stood. "I was just calling to tell you I was on my way, but from the sound of it, you're not there either."

Alpha Girl was racing after the Jackal when she caught a glimpse of the people watching below. She spotted blonde hair and blue eyes and quickly rolled behind a rooftop vent, hoping no one had seen her chatting on her phone. "Oh, trust me, I'm closer than you think," Alpha Girl assured. "I'll meet you there!"

With that, she finally hung up and continued to chase the Jackal. He jumped atop a rusty fire escape and pushed off of it with enough force to bring it down. Gwen ran to an old woman and quickly escorted her out of the way as the fire escape came crashing down.

"Dammit! She's not safe there!" Alphie though worriedly. "I need to get her to safety!"

"Spidey!" she called to her partner, who hung from the tail of one of the police helicopters. "Keep chasing the Jackal! I'll clear out the populous!"

"Got it!"

Alpha Girl made her way down to the gathering crowd, changing into her wolf form. "Everyone, clear out!" she instructed. "Find cover and evacuate the street!"

Unfortunately, no one reacted the way Alphie hoped they would. "Eeeek! The Jackal's down here!" a lady in a pantsuit squealed. 

"What? No, I'm not the Jackal! I'm not even A jackal! I'm a wolf!"

When the Wolf-Spider Howls (Peter x OC): A Marvel Spider-Man FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now