Chapter 4: Chance

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"You okay, Pete? You seem a little down," Harry commented to his best friend as he picked lazily at his waffles. Peter was worried about a number of things. Alpha Girl had been tracking the robot all night and still hadn't reported back, plus the mech seemed set on getting Harry's stuff. Even so, that all seemed paltry to his discovery last night. While returning home, he had noticed that Aunt May was looking at job listings so she could afford to send him to Horizon. The guilt was killing him and he deeply wanted to find a job so that she wouldn't have to worry about it.

"Just money troubles," he sighed to Harry. "I hate to say it, but I don't think I can afford to go to Horizon."

"Do you need some help?" Harry offered him.

"No. I couldn't live with myself if I took your lab AND your money. I have to figure this out on my own,"

"Up to you. After last night, I'm surprised there's still a school to go to. Is it true you were there when it happened?"

"Yeah..." Peter admitted, knowing that he had been there longer than Harry knew of. 

"Wow...and that thing just started ripping the place apart, huh?"

"Not...really? It just sort of went after your stuff,"

"MY stuff?"

"Yeah...the exact same stuff you asked me to get for you,"

Harry looked affronted at the suggestion. "What's THAT supposed to mean? You think I had something to do with it?"

"No!" Peter hurriedly shook his hands in disagreement. "I just...I don't know what I'm saying. But I WAS able to snag this for ya. Wanna tell me what it is?"

Peter took one of the spheres from last night out of his bag and handed it to Harry, who looked about suspiciously before taking it. "I can't tell you, Pete, it's-" He stopped short to put it in his bag. "My dad is creating a school for me. A school that'll be in direct competition with Horizon. I have to keep SOME things secret."

"So you can create bombs?"

"Bombs?! Ha-ha-ha! It's not a bomb, it's a-! Ahh, very clever, Parker, very clever. But I'm not that easy. This baby will remain a mystery."

Standing up and patting his bag, Harry took his leave. Peter sighed to himself once he was gone. "Much like the answer to how I'll stay at Horizon..."


"C'mon, pick up...!"

Peter paced around his lab nervously, waiting for his partner to answer her phone. It was almost noon and Alpha Girl still hadn't called him. He had gotten so worried he decided to call her himself.


"Alpha Girl! Hey, it's Spidey. You okay?"

"I'm fine," she replied with a yawn. "Tired, but fine."

"That's a relief. So, did you find out where that mech was headed?"

"Unfortunately, no. Lost its trail at around Times Square. Seriously, ads displaying realistic cityscapes on the JumboTron should be illegal..."

"Bummer...well, at least you're not hurt,"

"'Hurt' being the operative word here..."

"Did you at least find out anything about why it wants those spheres?"

"Only that it's not done looking. It didn't seem to go anywhere after looting Horizon. It just kept searching for something else over at Midtown,"

"Like what?"

When the Wolf-Spider Howls (Peter x OC): A Marvel Spider-Man FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now