Chapter 2: Alpha and Omega

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Peter swung through the streets in his Spider-Man costume, still singed from the earlier fire. He wondered why the Vulture would be targeting Max. It didn't seem to have to do with their earlier fight, but what if there was an ulterior connection? 

That wasn't the only thing that was worrying him. As a superhero, he now was tasked with protecting innocent people like Max. But there were a LOT of them in New York City. Who could bear such a weight alone?

He didn't have much time to think on it, as he was steadily gaining on the Vulture. He swung to his left and hit him with a kick from his blind spot, sending him off-course. This caused him to drop Max, who plummeted towards the streets below, but Spidey was ready to act. He shot a web line and caught him just in time.

"You again," the Vulture growled. 

Spider-Man only stared defiantly back. "I knew red and blue would be memorable!"

The Vulture lunged at Spider-Man, who jumped away, still dragging Max behind him on the web line. "I've got you!"

"Yes, but I've got you!" the Vulture countered, grabbing Spidey by the shoulders and flying him up high into the air. "Let's see how you like being stabbed in the back like Modell did to me!"

Spider-Man struggled against his grasp, even going so far as to grab the talons that latched onto him, but he had forgotten that he was holding on to Max and watched hopelessly as he fell back to the ground. "Max, no! Let me go!"

The Vulture eventually did release Spidey, but he was too far behind. "Can't let my first day turn out to be Max's last!"

The ground came too close and Spider-Man was forced to pull up. He watched in horror as Max was five feet from hitting the concrete...

Then watched open-mouthed as a reddish-brown streak darted past, swooping Max mid-fall and saving him in the nick of time. "What-?!"

The figure stopped and set Max down. It turned out to be a huge wolf, with gingery orange eyes and reddish-brown fur. However, the patches of fur that surrounded its head were black, and it had a black collar around its neck. Max heaved a couple of deep breaths, then turned to face the wolf. "*Whew!* Good doggy..."

Max turned to face Spider-Man as he landed next to him and the wolf. "Thanks to you too, Flying Squirrel."

Spidey shrugged. "Well, better than a beetle. At least you're safe."

"Uh...not yet, we're not. The Vulture is headed back to the school. It's the vibranium he wants,"

"Well, good thing we're all headed in the same direction, then,"

Spider-Man and Max looked about, wondering where the new voice came from. They then glanced at the wolf, who appeared to be...transforming?

The wolf stood up on two legs as it changed and the tufty black fur around its neck became hair. The rest of the fur became a brownish red bodysuit with chocolate brown accents and chest fur. Its head became a wolf-shaped snout mask with yellow narrow-shaped lenses. The collar from before became a choker necklace with a silver pendant that had a black pawprint on it. Before Spidey knew it, standing before him was a girl, decked out in a superhero outfit of her own. 

"If it's vibranium he wants, it's vibranium he'll get," the girl declared. "I got a few tricks of my own up my sleeve, and I intend to pay back the birdy what he did to us tenfold."


Meanwhile, back at the school, Spencer was picking up the vibranium and hiding it away in his suitcase. As he did, the Vulture landed a few feet away from him. 

When the Wolf-Spider Howls (Peter x OC): A Marvel Spider-Man FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now