Prologue: Mystery Girl in the Bathroom

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"I-I don't feel so good..."

"You okay, Pete?"

"I don't know...where's the...! *Urp!*"

"Down the hall to the right!"

Peter stumbled down the hall Harry had directed him down as fast as he could. He was so set on getting to the bathroom, he didn't even seem to notice a figure rushing down the hall opposite to him. At least, not until it was too late.


Peter found himself knocked backwards, skidding back a few feet across the floor. Whoever had collided with him, they had also fallen and were now on top of him. "Ugh...hey!" he snapped woozily. "Unless you want puke all over your face, you need to watch where you're-!"

He stopped mid-sentence when he saw who he had crashed into. He was staring into the ginger eyes of an ivory-white skinned girl with black hair pulled back into a wolftailed-ponytail. She wore a black t-shirt, cuffed jeans, black ankle boots, and a white designer jacket. However, to Peter's astonishment, her neck looked like it had been injured, as it oozed with sticky red blood.

Upon seeing the wound, Peter immediately forgot his disdain and became concerned for the girl. "H-Hey! Are you alright?! Did something attack you?"

The girl said nothing. In a flustered state, she pushed herself up and off of Peter and took off down the hall, not even bothering to help him up. Peter could only stare after her, all sickness forgotten. 

Shaking it off, he rattled the knob of the bathroom door, which refused to open. He then body-slammed it, which also had no effect. Getting desperate, he wall-slammed the door, which fell clean off of its hinges. Peter froze in place, trying to process what had just happened.

"What in the world's happening to me?!"

Meanwhile, not too far off, the girl was dealing with her own problem...

She raced through the streets of New York, stumbling as more blood dripped from her wound. She staggered helplessly along, trying to find a hospital or nearby clinic. 

Just then, as she reached out to grasp the corner of an alley wall, her aim was off and she fell past it. However, there was a loud scraping noise as she went down. Wincing and looking up, she was startled to see deep gash marks in the wall she had fallen past. Confused, she lifted her hand and was even more alarmed to see sharp claws on the ends of her fingers.

"What the heck is going on?!"

BOOM! A new series has arisen! Alright, I know everyone hates the new 2017 Spider-Man cartoon, but I, for one, appreciate the art style, drama, and characters in general. So, (seeing how they did mah girl MJ Watson dirty in this series), I decided to create a sort of "alternate love interest" to suit this story and REALLY beef it up! Hope you guys will follow along!

When the Wolf-Spider Howls (Peter x OC): A Marvel Spider-Man Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें