Gabriella's memories

Start from the beginning

A few minutes go by and they all sing Happy birthday to Charlotte until...

- Who's Charlotte is going to marry...

Say Wendoline, Rebecca and Hellen.

- Don't start!

Says Marianne.

- It will depend if Marianne wants it!

Says Wendoline.

- Wendoline!

Says Marianne blushing.

- Admit it, Mary, you and Charlie make a great couple.

Says Wendoline.

- You and Gabriella too.

Says Marianne.

- We're a couple.

Says Wendoline.

Wendoline French kiss Gabriella.

- Yes, we started our relationship today.

Says Gabriella.

Charlotte delivers the first cake pieces to her mothers and grandmother and then to Marianne.

- Thanks, Charlie. I love you.

Says Marianne.

Charlotte gets blushed.

- I mean, I mean, Charlie.

Says Marianne blushing

- All right, Mary, I love you too.

Says Charlie blushed

Later they all say goodbye to Charlotte at the party, Wendoline and Gabriella walk together to the England Parker family home.

- I can't wait to show you my moms.

Says Wendoline.

- Your mothers must be as cool as you are.

Says Gabriella.

- They are.

Says Wendoline.

Wendoline comes to your house.

- How was Charlotte's party?

Says Hannah.

- It was really good, I managed to get a girlfriend even.

Says Wendoline.

- You must be Gabriella?

Says Hannah.

- Yes, I'm Gabriella Morris myself. It's nice to meet you.

Says Gabriella.

- I'm Hannah England and my wife's name is Barbara Parker, our daughter came from the fertility stone.

Says Hannah.

- I've heard that, these fertility stones are interesting.

Says Gabriella.

- They have helped many of us and apparently one day you too will form your family.

Says Hannah.

- Yeah, in the future who knows.

Says Gabriella.

- I will love having a family with You Gabbie.

Says Wendoline.

- Gabbie? I loved that nickname Wendy.

Says Gabriella hugging Wendoline.

- I liked you Gabriella, you're a girl who doesn't blush so easy and pretty too, Wendy had good taste.

Says Hannah.

Wendoline blushes and Gabriella just smiles at Hannah, Barbara then appears with a towel on her head.

- Finally came from the Wendy party, I was listening to you, hello I'm Wendoline's other mom.

Says Barbara.

- Hello, Mrs. Barbara Parker. I'm Gabriella Morris.

Says Gabriella.

- I know who you are. Take good care of my daughter. You're very pretty.

Says Barbara.

- Thank you.

Says Gabriella.

- I like your personality girl, don't blush for nothing.

Says Barbara.

- I have to go to my house now it's getting late already.

Says Gabriella.

- Don't you want to stay in the house?

Says Wendoline.

- No, I've got a few things to sort out at home, I'll see you tomorrow Wendy.

Says Gabriella.

- It's okay...

Says Wendoline looking down.

Gabriella goes to Wendoline and kisses her.

- I love you, Wendoline.

Says Gabriella.

- Me too, but I want to...

Says Wendoline pushing Gabriella's shirt.

- One day you can come to my home and we can do the thing you want.

Says Gabriella.

- (She's horny, I'm horny too, but I'm not going to have sex with her while her mothers are here)

Gabriella says goodbye to Wendoline's mothers and walks to her house.

- This Gabriella is cute and polite, but I found her very mysterious and intriguing.

Says Barbara.

- I like that enigmatic little way she is, but I want to know why she's like this.

Says Wendoline.

- One day you find out, it took me a while to discover your mother's secrets.

Says Hannah.

- Just have a little patience that she tells at the right time; just don't let her be afraid to tell her secrets.

Says Barbara.

- Got it.

Says Wendoline.

- It's just that you won't do what your mother did and says about Night Fall, this makes me afraid to tell Hannah at the time.

Says Barbara.

- Until an hour I found out you were starting to like Lotte and I had to find out.

Says Hannah.

- Lotte was just a friend Hannah you who are just jealous.

Says Barbara.

Gabriella walks back to her house and on the way she feels something on her back and a gun noise.

- You can fool everyone, but you can't fool me.


- And you really think a gun is gonna hurt me?

Says Gabriella.

- No more than you can do to my family.


- So you want it that way? Well, well I knew you're going to discover me you old brat.

Says Gabriella.

Gabriella turns and her hair turns brown and she takes off her glasses.

See you, lesbian witches...

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