Episode Two: The Return of the Winners (And Losers) Part 2

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The scene opened up on a shot of Chris on the dock with his signature smiling face.

"Last time on Total Drama." Footage of Max walking to the end of the dock with everybody else played. "We met our 24 competitors who are going to be battling it out this season! Some of our contestants were happy to see each other!" Footage of Owen tackling Noah in a hug played. "And others are still holding grudges." Footage of mostly everbody glaring at Alejandro played before focusing back on Chris. "And today, our competitors are competing in a Jimanji themed challenge. Which team will yell Jimanji first? And which team will be voting off one of their beloved teammates? Find out right here on Total. Drama. Wawanakwa War!"

Theme Song

The scene faded in from black on a shot of the Legends jogging at a steady pace on the beach, paying close attention to their surroundings.

[Confessional, Max]

"These fools keep thinking they can boss me around! When I'm done with them, they'll be pleading on their knees!" Max said to the audience with an evil grin.

[Confessional, Lightning]

"Man, that purple short boy keeps sha-holdin' us back! I said if he's tired Lightnin' will give him a piggy-back ride but he refused!"


"How long do you think we'll be running for?" Cody asked Jo, picking up the pace to run alongside her.

"However long we need to! Now shut your mouth and keep an eye out for that diamond!" Jo ordered, not even paying attention to him.

"Sheesh." Cody said, slowing down to run alongside Noah again. "What's her issue?"

"She has bossy problems." Noah blankly responded.

"Jo, I think we should switch up the plan and go through the woods." Cameron suggested, out of breathe. "There's more places to hide the diamond in the woods, and we have a better view of the mountain if the other team has it."

"Sha-shut up, scrawny dude! You don't know nothin'!" Lightning shouted.

"Maybe we can wait on the mountain for the other team and when they come with the diamond, we steal it." Harold said.

"I agree with Einstein! Let the other team do the dirty work for us!" Sugar loudly agreed.

"I like the way you think, Dumbo." Jo nodded her head. "Everybody to the mountain!"

The scene went black for a split before opening up on the Stars.

Alejandro, Geoff, DJ, Shawn and Eva were jumping from tree to tree while the others ran below them on the ground.

"Seein' anything yet? My calves are startin' to burn!" Anne Maria complained.

"If someone found the diamond they would've said something!" Eva said down below in annoyance.

"No need to be rude!" The diva shouted back.

[Confessional, Anne Maria]

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