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"Hey, who's that?"

"Her? I think her name's Jenny or something?"

"Such a weird name.. what's wrong with her?!"

I came in the room wearing my headphones as I smiled to everyone around.

Everyone looked at me at shocking eyes when a girl whom I see regularly in my classes loudly yelled,"Jenny, Jenny Maverick is that you?!"

I grinned wildly towards the girl as she looked at me in shock.

"Goodmorning Perry. How was your day?"

I walked past her as I knock the door to my class and walked in to see some students.

"Jenny?! You're back?!"

"You look so pretty now!"

I look away from them,"Sorry I dont talk to fakes."

Those two were my and Katherine's ex bullies. They never apologised and they may have stopped bullying us but I know In fact how they gossip behind our backs.

They're mouths were hanging open as I sit in my usual spot. Thinking about her... Katherine..

After meeting Katherine again, I realised I should move on and love myself. I should apologise and stop creating such a ruckus and just learn.

I know what I want and smile. A real smile. Sure they all can talk but, It wont affect me anymore.. Afterall I've changed.

"Jenny.. You.." said a shocked deep voice.

Trev Marcus. The person who sat next to me.

"Hey Trev, Goodmoring! Thanks for texting me but I'm fine now."

Trev used to be just a classmate and I didnt really care about him since, I only thought of him as a nerd that time.

However he was the only person who contacted me after Katherine's death. A mere classmate who I never talked to actually cares about me.

He could have been my friend, Our friend. we could 3 have been a trio but, I was too busy isolating both me and Katherine that even my surroundings were pointless.

But, now I see.. I realised that there are many people who are kind and I shouldn't be selfish and live my live to the fullest.

Thank you Katherine.

"So Trev, do you want to eat lunch together later?"

"O-Oh um.. Sure!" He turns red.

One of the texts he sends me were about how we could have lunch and he would help me.

Thinking bout it..

He's kinda really cute...

He reminds me of Kiro abit..


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