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5: My sister has a boyfriend...

Rio's point of view.

So today, I woke up and woke my sister to go to school. However she.. Is very cheerfull which I never see. Because, just yesterday in the morning, She was sulking but now shes all happy like.

I never saw this side of her which made me quite worried. When we also arrived she also told me to go Principal's office.

(A/N: Rio, you dummy. Its just you.. )

So, I walked inside school and saw the principal

"Greetings Principal. You called?" I asked emotionlessly as I sit in the chair opposite of The principal.

"Good morning Rio. So, you've been very outstanding at Swordmanship recently and.."

"I refuse" I stated sternly.

"But Rio you havent heard of What I said yet."

"Your going to ask me to move to that Elite academy. Arent I right?"

"Yes, But couldnt you atleast reconsider?" He pitifully asks.

"No." He replied.

The principal sighed,"Fine.. But, please talk to me if you change your mind, Rio."

"I wont"

I sigh. At home, I've always been a loving brother but, during school that's not even possible. I dont even know what I want to be when I grow up yet. I just know that I want to protect my sister.

Her childhood was already ruined by him and mom is never around anymore. It's my job...

My job is to protect her and if I move schools just for something I'm not even sure I want, She would'nt see me as much she'll be all alone.



I sighed as I walk out the door and before I went upstair to see a small fight between girls while seeing my adorable little sister, Ria laughing at them. I wanted to to go up to her but, I felt a feeling telling me not too..


She sat on the bench in the garden of school as a redhead walks up to her and it turns out to be Zen Mirakou.

A freshman in class B1 whom was popular for being handsome and also quite good at swordmanship. Not as good as me, but he is very talented.

"You!" He shouted being all red.

"Hehe! your flustered!" Ria saids smiling.. The same exact smile?! The smile Ria had this morning.

(A/N: Just because she has the same smile?All smiles are the same unless its a fake or love type of smile.. 🤣)

I gulped as she suddenly makes a barrier that I couldnt get in. It was a simple spell and anyone could get inside but for me, that would be difficult.

If only I practiced spells more but, I should'nt cry over spoilt milk.  The barrier had suddenly been opened but, Ria is no where to be seen which made me worry. However Zen seems to be all red,

"How could she smile like that?!" He facepalmed.

'What the heck happened?!' I thought scaredly.

He walks to his class as I removed my magic and broke down.

I cant believe my sister has a boyfriend! This is terrible! And she didnt even tell me! I just cant believe she would do something despicable! Is she going to call him Zenny Now?!

They only met yesterday! How could my adorable sister get such a guy! He's not worth it!

I grit my teeth as an idea pop up. I grinned as I suddenly come to class like a new person. I greeted all the girls and even blinked at some. The guys around were furious as I smirked.

I tried to find the most easiest girl and hold her hand. I look to her still keeping my composure.

"R-Rio?" She blushed.

The girl looked beautiful but, unfortunately her personality doesnt compare.  She has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She also was tall even with heels.

I also heard her name was Yuni if I remembered correctly.

"Accompany me outside?" I said showing a small forced smile.

We both walked outside as I sigh in my mind.

"Miss Yuni, I like you, care to be my lady?" I forced myself not to cringe.

"R-really?" She blushed as I nod. Before we both went inside,"Ah. Would you like to meet my sister then?"

"Im already meeting one of your family members?" She fanned her face as she replied,"O-okay!"

I sigh and I feel kinda bad for her. Well, I am using her but, what does that got to do with me?

Why would you accept anyone who just started to talk with you? Well unless you're a fool that is.

Then we walked inside and she sat down on her seat while I sat on mine as the lesson becomes to start...

Class ended after a while and held hands with my so called girlfriend walking to the front gates to see my sister waiting outside for me like normal. I call her as she turns around as she smiled but, soon it turned to a smile.

"Why is she here?" she grits her teeth giving me an attitude.

"What are you talking about?- Shes my girlfriend."

"Well! I dont like her!" Ria puffef her checks,"You're way to young!"

"Why should you care whom I date? You never even told me about that boyfriend of yours." I replied.

"What are you talking about?Boyfriend?" Ria asked,"I never even had one."

"Then who was that boy that was talking to you today?"

"Hes just a friend." Ria rolled her eyes,"Wait- Is this what it is about?"

"Because, you dont like that my friends are all guys?!" Ria gritted her teeth in disdain.

"Yuni, let's go." I avoided her eyes,"My house?"

I nodded as I head to her car while, seeing my sister all alone outside of school looking at me.

I closed the window as looked at the front too see her driver driving off while, my 'girlfriend' comforts me. I sighed as I think that really...

....I messed up...
...Big time...

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