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15: Who was it..?

"Ria!!" Sophie said hugging my from behind.


"Did you get an invitation yet?"

"Invitation? For what?"

"You know Miss Ophie, the famous celebrity?"

"Why would I get a celebrity's Invitation?"

"Because. its Lucien's mom."

"Lucien's mom..?"

"Yeah! Tomorrow is her brithday and I really want to come and eat the sweets Lucien makes..!"

"Hes so dreamy.. Yet he makes such sweets! Such a sweetheart!"

"And I'm not?" Mumbled a voice.

"Dont be so jealous Lance. I already said I lov-" She was about to finish her sentence when I smirked.

"Oh really now? You never even told me~" They flushed red as I walked away from the scene.

I sigh as I went to see Elianna. I'm also quite curious why she was fighting with Leo... Or was it a lover's quarrel?

Wait is this one of those "I love you but I hate you" type of romance?!

Woah. I really have to ask her about that. I guess shes not single anymore.. Wait does that mean that she wont be a villainess in Kiro's route anymore?

This is stressing me out.. Really? Argh..

This is so sad.. Eh, I guess I'll talk to Maria. Wait she likes Yuuta doesnt she? Maria would be rejected though... Or not? The heroine hasn't come yet..


Why is everyone accept me is dating?

Who am I suppose to talk to..

Then beep beep.

I look at my phone to see Mr Cheerio's call. Its been a week and I havent texted him nor called him.

'Hey R- I- A !'

'Wow. Look at your filter. Its Kiro's voice again. Like seriously where did you get that?'


' Hmph.."

"Dont be mad. I was just kidding with you. I'll tell you Someday."


'Soo.. Ria what do you think of him?'


'Kiro. Kiro Starway.'

'Well.. For starters, he's really cute. My old friend was really into him which made me more facinated in him too. I think he's really charming.'

'You think h-he's cute?'


'And which friend were you talking about?'

'Oh her.. Her name's Jenny Maverick. A really nice girl.. But she.. Um.. Well... Passed..?'

'Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I didnt mean to bring back sad memories.'

'It's fine. We both know you didn't mean it.'

'Oh. I gotta go. My manager is calling me again. Bye!'


Geez. His manager is becoming more bossy these days. I was about to walk to class when I looked at my phone to see a message.

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