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It was morning in the Malfoy household, and everything was perfectly normal.

"Katarina Persephone Malfoy, I swear to Merlin if you are not in the foyer in ten seconds, I will not hesitate to tell Professor McGonogall that you are grounded, and make sure that she makes your curfew nine o' clock!" Hermione yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

She was standing in Malfoy Manor's front foyer, with her husband and their other five children. It was September the first, which meant it was the first day of a brand new school year.

First, on her left hand side, were the twins, Lea and Jake, who were in their seventh year at Hogwarts, with Lea as Head Girl, and Jake as the co-captain of the Gryffindor House team, alongside Lea's boyfriend, James.

On her right stood her and Draco's fourth child, Adam Jadrien Malfoy, who was in his fourth year and was one of the beaters on the Slytherin House team. He was a replica of his father, though his personality was completely his mothers. He planned to follow in his mothers footsteps and become a lawyer.

Behind Draco, their youngest son stood. Alec Cameron was only a second year, but already developed a knack for getting himself into troubling situations. It was obvious that Jake and James were training the young boy to take over from them in the pranking department once they graduated.

Their youngest child stood beside Draco, clutching his hand tightly. Catherine Narcissa Malfoy was like her grandmother in every way, with her delicate features, flaxen hair, and crystal blue eyes. One of her favourite pastimes was to go to her grandmother's estate in Italy, and garden with the elderly witch.

Their second eldest daughter, Katarina, or Kat, as she preferred to be called, was bounding down the stairs, her wand in hand. She was a mix of both parents, she was often told. She had light brown hair, which turned blonde in the summer, and grey eyes, with the beginnings of browns around her irises. Her personality came from her father though, as she had a talent with offensive spells, and always had a clear goal in mind, which made her the perfect Slytherin.

"Calm down! I'm here, so we can go now." Kat said, grabbing her miniaturized trunk from her mother's hands, and picked up her tawny brown owls cage.

"You should have been out quicker. Let's go; we're apparating." Hermione said, as the family walked out of the front door, towards the apparition point.

"Okay, Jake, Lea, you two go first, and take Kat and Adam with you too. We'll come with Alec and Catherine." Draco directed his eldest children.

"Okay, Daddy," Lea said, "Come on Kat, we're going first."

They did so, and were quickly followed by the rest of the family. They found themselves in a small alleyway near Kings Cross Station, and Hermione quickly returned all of her children's save for nine year old Catherine, trunks to their original size, only leaving the feather light charm on.

"Come on," Draco said, motioning to his family, "its ten forty five, and the train leaves at eleven."

The family hurried towards platform nine and three quarters, only stopping momentarily to grab carts to place their trunks and owls on carts. Hermione ushered her children through the portal to the platform, and followed after them.

"James!" Lea ran into her boyfriend's arms immediately after locating him and his family.

Hermione smiled when she saw Harry and Pansy. They had the largest family out of the group of them, with seven children, and another on the way. Harry had said that he hated empty houses, so he needed to fill his, when Draco had pointed out that his house had twenty bedrooms, Pansy had immediately replied with, "There's no way in hell I'm giving birth to twenty kids, don't even joke about that."

James was the oldest, and was followed by Jonathan, a sixth year; Lily and Grace, the fourth year twins; Marcus, a second year; Ava, a fiery eight year old, and Julia, a tiny five year old. They had found out that they were expecting a baby boy in the winter, which they had decided to name Andrew.

"Hermione! Draco!" Pansy greeted, waddling slightly to greet her friends.

"Pansy! How's the baby doing?" Hermione asked, hugging her.

"As healthy as can be; I'm enjoying the time where I can still see my feet!"

Hermione laughed, and turned to her children to hug them goodbye, "Now, all of you be good; Alec, I don't want any owls from Professor McGonogall about any pranks, same goes for you Jake. Lea, remember what I told you last week," Lea blushed scarlet from her boyfriends arms.

"Adam, focus on your studies just as much as you focus on quidditch." She reached to give him her hug, but she only got a peck on his head before he ran off, "Kat, do not hex anyone for no reason, we don't need you getting suspended." Hermione took a deep breath, "I love you all, stay safe!"

Hermione and Draco watched as her children ran off to their friends. Even Catherine ran to talk to talk with one of the Zabini daughters, Carysa.

"Their growing up so fast," Hermione murmured quietly, resting her head on Draco's chest, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"They'll always be your babies, sweetheart."

"I know, but, look! Lea and James are going to get engaged sometime this year, and Jake is getting pretty serious with Becca! And Kat started dating that boy, Blake Vanderbilt, and remember how you told me that Adam asked you for advice on girls!" Hermione said quickly, wringing her hands.

"Hey, hey," Draco cupped her face in his callused hands, "They will always be your children, our children, no matter what. That will never change, even if they get married, and have children of their own."

Hermione smiled, "Sorry; had a minor freak out moment there. I guess the fact that in only two years Catherine will be going to Hogwarts, and then we will be in that big house all on our own for nine months a year."

"Your empty nest syndrome is coming on early," Padma commented, coming up behind the couple.

She and Ron had two more children after Alicia. Laura and Eric were looked much more like their father than their older sister did. Laura had fiery red hair, and her mother's deep brown and eyes, while Eric had Ron's pale skin, and Padma's dark hair, though his eyes were hazel. All of the children were in Hogwarts.

"You could say that," Hermione laughed, hugging her friend.

"We're all getting together for dinner tonight at our house; do you think that you can make it?" Ron asked, appearing beside his wife.

"Definitely." Draco responded, smiling.

A shrill whistle went off, announcing that the Hogwarts express was leaving. Catherine came running back as it rang, waving at her siblings on the scarlet engine.

"Bye! Bring me back something!" She yelled to her brothers.

"Will do!" Alec yelled back, and continued waving.

Hermione smiled as the train disappeared from view. She remembered her own trips on the train, and all the adventures that went along with it; the good, and the bad. Her life was exactly as she had hoped; she had true friends, lifelong relationships, six amazing children, and, of course, a wonderful husband.

She had everything she ever wanted, and she wouldn't change a thing, not for anything. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

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