Chapter Fourteen: Taken

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Not my best chapter...I was probably really tired when I wrote it...or just really lazy. This is a relativly boring chapter, just about the aging process. 



A few days had passed since the babysitting incident, and Hermione and Draco were happy that they had another Family Planning class; this particular class would age the children to seven years old since it was only a day until October first.

“Hello students!” Professor Millane greeted enthusiastically.

“You all know what’s going to happen to today, right?” She asked walking to her desk, and grabbing a basket full of vials.

“Uh huh.” Most students answered, while some stared into space.

“Good. So, let’s get the aging process started!” The professor said somewhat excitedly.

“Potters!” She said crisply.

Pansy walked up to the front of the room, with James hand in her own. Harry sat at their desk since only one parent had to go to the front for the aging process.

Millane handed the vial of aging potion to Pansy, and Pansy managed to get James to drink it, even though he was slightly reluctant. The professor tapped the top of James’s head twice, before a golden glow surrounded his body that caused Pansy to step back. When the glow finally faded, James stood there, a foot taller and his chocolate brown curls unrulier than ever.

Pansy smiled and gave James a big hug, before walking back to their seats; it was there Harry promised that he would get James a broom. That would turn out to be a very bad idea.

A few names later Ron and Padma were called. Padma grasped Alicia’s hand tightly as they walked to the front of the room. Professor Millane repeated the same procedure she had done on the previous families, and when the glow faded Alicia stood there, looking more beautiful than ever, when Padma saw her, she gasped.

Alicia’s midnight black hair tumbled mid back and the crystal blue eyes she had inherited from Ron stood out against her caramel coloured skin.

Padma had a few tears running down her face as she escorted Alicia back to their seats. Once they reached them, Padma started asking her how she was and such. Questions a parent would ask after their child returned from boarding school.

Five names later, Blaise and Parvati were called; Blaise escorted Damien to the front of the room. When they reached the small podium that was located front and center, Blaise ruffled his son’s hair affectionately and poured the vile of honey coloured potion down his throat.

Once the golden sparkle disappeared, Damien stood there looking somewhat arrogant. His jade green eyes stood out against his deeply tanned skin and his black hair was dead straight, much like his father’s.

Parvati reacted much like her sister had, except less excitedly.

Finally, Draco and Hermione’s names were called, and they both walked to the front of the room, with Jake and Lea skipping ahead of them.

The entire process was repeated one twin at a time. Natalya was first, and when the sparkle faded, Lea stood there with wavy, light blonde hair with hints of brown fell a few inches under her shoulders. Her grey eyes sparkled with intelligence, much like her mother’s chocolate ones did. Her high cheekbones’ seemed even more distinct now. When she smiled, two rows of pearly whites were shown, with two teeth missing from the bottom row.

Once she saw Hermione, she ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

“Hi Mom! How are you?” She said, grabbing her mother’s hand and pulling her back to their desk. Hermione smiled.

Draco merely smirked at them, and turned to Jacob who was looking slightly impatient, Draco tipped the vial up, and let the liquid pour into Jake’s throat, after the incantation was muttered by the professor, the now familiar golden sparkle settled around Jake. 

When the glow faded away, Jake stood there, looking exactly like Draco did at the moment. Straight platinum blonde hair bordered his face, blonde eyelashes framed warm grey eyes and the famous Malfoy smirk was plastered to his face.

“Dad!” Jake exclaimed “Can I have the new Flash 3000x broom?!” He asked excitedly.

“Uhh...sure?” Draco answered, with a questioning tone in his voice, he was wondering if that was a good idea.

As soon as the kids in the room saw that two of their friends had been promised a broom, they started begging their own parents for one, only a few decided not to beg. About half of the parents said yes, while another quarter said maybe and the rest, firmly said no.

As all the parents talked non-stop with their kids, Professor Millane sat on the edge of her desk, her toffee coloured eyes twinkling in delight.

“Okay, for homework, take your kids to Hogsmeade!” she said “Class dismissed!” She exclaimed, successfully ending another Family Planning class.

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