Chapter Twenty: Nobody Does It Like You

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Hermione and Draco sat down on their couch, exhausted after the long school day. Jake and Lea were both at the Potter household for the afternoon for a play date with James. Hermione leaned into to Draco’s side tiredly; they had both had a gruelling double potions class, in which they had attempted to brew The Draught of the Living Dead; The key word being attempted.

The cauldron had ended up blowing up after Draco mistakenly put in a mint leaf, instead of a poisonous leaf from an oak tree. Thankfully, no one was hurt from the initial blast. But, Neville fainted when the cauldron exploded and hit his head on the edge of a desk. He was currently recovering in the hospital wing under Madam Pomfry’s care.

“Today was...tiring,” Hermione muttered, her eyes closing slightly.

“Everyday has been tiring since we got the kids,” Draco said.

“True,” Hermione murmured, then turned to look at Draco.

“What’s going to happen when they...leave,” Hermione asked, sadness evident in her voice.

Draco didn’t respond for a few moments; he hadn’t thought about what would happen when the project ended, he loved Jake and Lea with all his heart, he had since the moment he’d seen them. He honestly had no clue what he would do.

“I don’t know,” Draco replied honestly.

A lone tear streaked down Hermione’s face, and more quickly followed, soon, she was full out bawling into Draco’s robes while Draco tried to console her. He wasn’t very good in that department, the moment a girl started crying, he usually just stood there. This time he stroked Hermione’s hair consolingly, trying to soothe her.

“I don’t want them to leave!” Hermione blubbered.

“I don’t either,” Draco murmured consolingly.

“What’s going to happen to us? When the kids leave you’ll probably go back to never speaking to me!”

“Don’t think that! I couldn’t do that even if I tried this entire project ha-” Draco started, but he was interrupted.

“Is that all we are! A project?!” Hermione shouted angrily.

What had gone from a simple, emotional question had turned into an argument.

Draco’s eyes widened as he tried to correct himself. “Hermione, no, that’s not what I meant!”

“Save it,” Hermione said angrily through her tears, before she ran out the door.

Draco decided against following her, thinking that the consequences wouldn’t be pretty. Instead, he sulked and turned on the television.

Hermione ran down the street, her chocolate coloured tresses following after her.  She arrived at the Potter household quickly, where she rapidly knocked on the door. Pansy answered the door and immediately ushered her inside and to the living room, and quickly gave her a hot cup of tea. Pansy started questioning her when her steam of tears slowed down.

“What happened?” Pansy asked comfortingly.

“Draco and I got into a fight,” Hermione whispered quietly.

“About?” Pansy prompted soothingly.

“I just asked him about what would happen when the kids left, and then he started talking and he basically said that we were just a project!” Hermione cried.

“Maybe you just misunderstood him?” Pansy suggested.

As Pansy asked the question, the twins walked downstairs, they had heard their mothers’ voice and came down to see her. When they saw her crying they immediately rushed over.

Hermione was attacked by hugs the moment Pansy finished asking the question.

“Are you okay Mum?” Lea asked anxiously.

“I’m okay sweetie,” Hermione murmured; she liked it when the twins hugged her.

“But you’re crying!” Jake said.

“You’re Dad and I just had an argument, that’s all,” Hermione said, teary eyed.

“’bout what?” Lea asked.

“Grown-up stuff,” Hermione replied.

“Was Daddy being mean?” Lea asked again, still hugging her mother.

“No,” Hermione said. “I just got angry at something he said,”

Lea nodded her head as she continued to hug her mother. Pansy looked on, she saw James looking on curiously, so she told him to go back to the playroom.

“Go back to your playroom, sweetheart,” Pansy said quietly.

“Why is Auntie Hermione crying?” James asked, his eyes wide and innocent.

“She and Uncle Draco had an argument baby, that’s all,”

“You and Daddy don’t have fights,” James stated.

“We do, we just have really small ones when you aren’t around,”


James retreated to the playroom and Jake followed him, and Lea did a few moments later. Hermione had stopped crying by then, and to distract her, she and Pansy started talking about other things; school, the kids and Pansy’s relationship with Harry.

At six o’clock, Hermione decided it was time to leave. She called for the kids, and they left within a few minutes. They walked back to the house, and the entire time Lea talked nonstop. Once they reached the home, Hermione unlocked the door quietly and walked inside. Draco was sitting in front of the television, and the first thing Lea did when she saw him was run up to him and hit him in the shoulder.

 “You’re bad Daddy! You made Mum cry!” Lea shouted before she stomped upstairs. Jake followed her quickly, which left Hermione and Draco.

“Hermione listen and don’t try to interrupt me.” Draco started.

“I didn’t mean for what I said to come out the way it did, what I really meant when I said that was you and the kids have changed me a lot, I would still be a stuck up, arrogant bastard if this class hadn’t happened.” Draco finished, looking Hermione dead in the eye.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak; maybe Pansy had been right, she had overreacted a little, she hadn’t stayed long enough to hear Draco out.

“I’m sorry,” Hermione murmured quietly.

“Excuse me, but I didn’t hear what you said,” Draco said playfully.

“I said that I’m sorry,” Hermione laughed.

She unexpectedly felt herself leaning closer and closer towards him, and Draco was doing the same towards her. Suddenly, the unpredicted happened.

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