Chapter Three: Domino

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Here's another chapter! In this story, Snape is alive; it's too hard to think about Hogwarts without him.  The next chapter will be dedicated to to the first person who comments!


Hermione and Draco had gotten little sleep that night, due to the fact that the twins had woken them up every three hours. By the time they woke the next morning, they had less than six hours of sleep and were extremely cranky. The first thing Hermione did after brushing her teeth and showering, was make a large cup of coffee in the kitchen to awaken her senses, Draco came down a few moments later, enjoying the temporary silence that filled the house while the twins got a few extra minutes of sleep.

“Morning, Hermione.” Draco greeted, yawning.

“Good morning to you too.” She replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

“What’s that?” Draco asked, eyeing the coffee.

“It’s a caffeinated muggle drink called coffee.” Hermione replied.

When Draco looked at it sceptically, she added “It’ll wake you up,” to her sentence.

And the next thing she knew, Draco had grabbed the coffee pot and poured a large quantity into a cup and gulped it down.

“It’s good!” He said, surprised.

“I know.” Hermione said, smiling inwardly, while placing her cup in the sink.

Draco grabbed the coffee pot to pour himself another cup, but, two sets of loud wails were heard just as brought the cup to his mouth. Hermione and Draco both glanced at each other, before hurriedly running upstairs, knowing that the twin’s cries would only get louder the longer they waited.

“Shhhh.....” Hermione murmured soothingly to Natalya, while rubbing her back. Draco was doing the same thing on the other side of the room.

They got the twins ready, before taking them downstairs; Hermione glanced on the clock on the wall as she brushed a lock of hair away from Jacob’s face, her features turned alarmed when she noticed that if they didn’t leave at that moment they would be late for Potions. She and Draco ran out of their home when she reminded him of the time, and thankfully, they slid into Potion’s class right on time, only earning a few dirty looks from Snape. Class proceeded as normal; Snape took forty points from Gryffindor and gave forty-five points to Slytherin. Every Gryffindor couldn’t be happier when class got out.

“Hermione!” Harry shouted at Hermione, trying to catch up with her.

“Yes...” Hermione replied, looking up from Jacob to glance at Harry.

“Listen Hermione, Ron and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out on tonight, since we haven’t since this project started.” Harry suggested. 

 “Sure!” Hermione replied enthusiastically, happy with the chance to hang out with her best friends.

“We’ll meet up at my place, and bring the twin’s with you.” Harry finished before running off to transfiguration.

Hermione shook her head as she headed to Defence class. Classes went on as normal that day, and when lunch came everyone was quite thankful for it.

“Hello.” Hermione said to Draco, greeting him at the Great Hall doors.

“Jacob didn’t do as much as cry during class.” Draco said, handing Jacob over to Hermione, while Hermione did the same with Natalya.

“All she did was cry.” Hermione told him, laughing at the memory of the look on Professor Slughorn’s face when Natalya started crying when he looked at her.

Bidding goodbye to Natalya and Draco, Hermione went to sit down with Harry and Ron.

“What’s up, Hermione?” Ron said greeting her, but since he was stuffing his face it sounded more like, “Rawpht’s uph Hurphmynee?” Hermione laughed at his antics while Jacob gurgled.

“So, how’s Pansy with James” Hermione asked Harry, who was glancing over at the Slytherin table

Ron momentarily choked on his water when he heard Hermione refer to a Slytherin by their first names.

Harry and Hermione both shot Ron dirty looks before continuing on with their conversation. Harry and Hermione had both agreed to call each other’s partners by their first names.

“She’s really good with him actually; she rarely let’s him out of her sight.” Harry said before chuckling to himself at a memory.

Hermione smiled at herself at Harry’s cheerful expression.

“What about Draco?” Harry questioned, while taking a bight out of his slice of pumpkin pie.

“He’s really good with the twins’ actually, he always seems to be on a mission to make them happy.” She answered, while she answered she thought back to their conversation in the kitchen the night before, understanding his intentions to make sure that the twins’ were always happy.

“Hello!” Padma greeted, coming up behind them, and sitting down next to Ron with Alicia in her arms.

“Hi.” Ron replied, before continuing to stuff food into his mouth.

Hermione just laughed at Ron once again, before she tried to finish feeding Jacob a bottle. When the bell rang signalling the end of lunch, Hermione bid good bye to her friends and left the hall, with her robes billowing behind her.

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