Chapter Nine: Can't Say No

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Draco was in a room; a cold, dark room. The only light came from a small window the north wall. Directly in front of the window was a throne; it was pitch black, with delicate emeralds covering it, even though it was beautiful, it radiated evil.

Sitting on the throne was Lord Voldemort, the dark wizard that had ruined his family name, who had killed numerous people, always with a sickening glint in his eyes.

Surrounding his throne was his inner circle members, all dressed in black robes. Draco could see his father grinning relentlessly, probably thinking of the groups of muggle’s he had viciously murdered earlier in the day.

His deranged aunt was on Voldemort’s right hand side, a sickening smile on her face. The only words that could be used when describing Bellatrix Lestrange was psychotic bitch, no other words could be used other than those two.

Mrs. Zabini stood with her head bowed next the Nott’s, all three of the faces emotionless, yet if you looked closely, you could see the sweat trickling down their brows. The Parkinson’s also stood there, looking quite nervous, but desperately trying not to show it.

Draco saw himself, Blaise, Pansy and Theodore standing off to the sides, the faces reflected fear, scared to see what might happen if they dared to move or open their mouth. Pansy looked as if tears would start falling down her face any moment.

All of a sudden the Dark Lord himself spoke.

“You all understand why I have called you here?” Voldemort’s voice crackled, his voice sounded snake-like.

“Yes, my lord.” all the inner circle members answered, but not their children.

Voldemort noticed this and made his way over to the teenagers, taking slow, purposeful steps; that made Draco fear him even more.

“I couldn’t hear you,” the Dark Lord whispered venomously, but still no one dared to open their mouths.

“Fine then...” The dark lord took out his wand and pointed it at Pansy’s mother and father.

He then whispered Crucio twice, both times hitting directly on target, leaving Mr and Mrs Parkinson withering in agony and pain.

Pansy stepped forward, crying out; this brought a smile to the evil wizard’s hideous face. He raised his wand again, this point pointing it at Pansy.

“Crucio...” Voldemort whispered mercilessly, the light shooting out of his wand.


Draco woke up with a start; sweat plastered his platinum blonde hair against his forehead, his hands felt clammy, but a voice startled him.

“Draco?” Hermione asked; she was sitting on the corner of his bed.

She was nervous since Draco’s constant moaning and groaning a few minutes previously had ended with a loud scream. Thankfully, it seemed like the children had not woken up since no footsteps or cries had been heard.

“Whaafftt?” Draco murmured, his eyes wide open.

“Are you okay? You were screaming just now,” Hermione asked, almost cautiously.

“It was nothing, just a memory...” Draco said, trailing off.

“A memory!” Hermione started, alarmed, “That must have been one hell of a memory for you to start screaming like that!”

Draco looked at her; his look said you have no idea.

Hermione stared at him for a moment, carefully piecing together what he had said.

“It was about Voldemort, wasn’t it?” her voice was barely a whisper.

Though Hermione had seen the treacherous wizard before, she still held a small fear of him; he had ordered death eaters to kill her parents after all.

Draco nodded his head up and down slowly and started telling her about his dream.

“He had called the inner circle members to a meeting to discuss an attack on Hogsmeade and he had requested that they bring their children,” Draco started, already wondering if he should stop.

Hermione noticed his nervousness and picked up his hand a squeezed it tightly, and kept holding it. Draco smiled at her, thankful for the reassurance and continued on with his story.

“He was hoping that during this attack, we would fight for him. Then, during the beginning of the meeting, we didn’t answer him and to prove a point he-he... tortured Pansy’s parents in front of our face, then tortured us for the next few minutes, and the entire time my father stood there with a half smirk, half disappointed look on his face.” Draco ended, his mind kept replaying how the feeling of being tortured for so long felt.

By the end of the story, Hermione had tears freely running down her face; she could remember the pain of the cruciatus curse that had been cast on her at Malfoy Manor all those months ago and how painful it had been, but to think that Lucius Malfoy had looked at his son get tortured, with a look of pleasure on his face was absolutely sick.

Hermione pulled Draco into a tight hug a moment later, Draco was surprised, but returned the hug, they stayed like that for a few moments until they eventfully fell back to sleep with their arms wrapped around each other.


“Should we wake them up?” Lea asked her twin brother, whispering.

“I dunno.” Jacob replied, shrugging his shoulders.

They were standing in front of their father’s bed, they were planning on waking him up by screaming in his ear, but not that sure now since their mother was there too. Draco’s arm was wrapped around waist and Hermione’s head was resting on his chest.

The twins’ didn’t get a chance to finish their discussion since the loud beeps coming from Draco’s alarm clock had woke him up.

“Shufffttt uppfff.” Draco mumbled, clutching Hermione closer to him.

 The children silently laughed at their father.

Hermione’s eyes popped open a second or so after and tried to get up, but Draco’s grip on her was too tight. Hermione’s eyes glanced around the room until she found her children; she sent them a silent message with her eyes which allowed them to wake their dad up.

Jacob and Lea crept up to Draco’s side of the bed before jumping onto to him, screaming loudly. Draco woke up after that, his hand reaching for his wand, when realising it was just Lea and Jake he relaxed, and let go of Hermione allowing her to go and get ready for the day.

Fifteen minutes later the family was ready to go and set off on the short walk to the beautiful castle for another day.

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