Chapter Six: Call Me Maybe

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Here's another chapter! You'll have to imagine that the kids are talking in more babyish voices. Remember to vote and comment!


“Mommy!” Natalya shouted at her mother, during dinner that evening; the family had decided to eat at their home instead of the Great Hall.

“Yes, Natalya?” Hermione replied.

Hermione was looking through a menu that had been on counter, she was trying to pick something that everyone would like so that she could call the house elves to bring them the food.

“When we going to eat?” she asked, though because of her young age, it came out more like, “Wren we gowin to yeat?”

“Just now sweetie, when daddy comes down.” Hermione told her daughter, who was sitting at the dark wood table.

Hermione continued looking through the menu until she found something that everyone would like. She decided on spaghetti and meatballs for the main meal, a medium Caesar salad for her and Draco, fruit salad as a healthy dessert and butter beer to drink and pumpkin juice to drink.

Hermione tapped the table; three short taps and two long ones and a house elf named Spiffy appeared.

“How can Spiffy help miss?” the house elf asked, eager to help someone.

“Can you bring me two adult portions of spaghetti and two kid portions, a medium Caesar salad, a bowl of fruit salad and two glasses of butter beer and two more glasses of pumpkin juice, please?” Hermione asked the house elf politely.

“Yes, Spiffy will have it ready in five minutes!” And with that the house elf disappeared with a crack.

While she waited, Hermione set the table with green placemats, and forks and knives; metal ones for her and Draco, and only forks with hard plastic handles for the kids.

“Draco!” Hermione shouted up the stairs when the Spiffy arrived with the food.

A few moments later Draco was running down the stairs with Jacob in his arms, holding him as if Jacob was a space ship.

“Careful!” Hermione warned, laughing at them as she sat down at the table the same moment as they entered the kitchen.

Draco put Jacob down in one of the seats then, sat himself down at the head of the table and promptly began stuffing food in his face, with only a little more maturity than Harry and Ron during dinner.

 “Mommy what’s this?” Jacob asked, pointing to the spaghetti and meatballs.

 “It’s spaghetti, Jake.” Hermione answered, eating a forkful of it.

“I like the name Jake!” Jacob said excitedly before shoving a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth.

Hermione smiled and continued to eat her dinner. Dinner went on relatively normal, with Jacob and Natalya asking questions about everything. When they all finished dessert, Hermione cleared the table with a simple wave of her wand.

“Okay guys, you have half an hour until you have to go have to have a bath then go to bed, so what do you want to do?” Hermione asked them, squatting down to their level.   

The twins exchanged sneaky glances then answered.

“We want....” Jake started

“To go too...” Natalya added

“James’s house!!” they shouted together sending large smiles in their parent’s direction.

The first thought that came to Hermione’s mind was that her children we’re probably going to be part of the next generation of the Marauders; her second thought was that they were acting exactly like Fred and George when they were trying to hide something.     

Hermione couldn’t say no to the looks on their faces, Natalya pouting her lip out ever so slightly and making tears come to her eyes and Jacob doing the exact same thing.

Exchanging a look with Draco, who also seemed to be falling for their act, gave in and answered:

“Okay...” Hermione started but she and Draco were attacked by hugs of gratitude from their children, they both hugged them, but then looked them both in the eye.

 “But, only if Uncle Harry and Aunty Pansy say yes.” Draco said attempting to sound stern, but he couldn’t; it sounded too weird saying Aunt Pansy and Uncle Harry!

“I’ll owl him now,” Hermione said, before walking to the kitchen to send the owl off.

Draco knew that Pansy would say yes, it would help to have James distracted from probably destroying things. Draco started to put the kid’s jackets on and grabbed his and Hermione’s cloak and waited for her.

“They said yes!” Hermione shouted from down the hall.

Hermione walked down the hall to her family, she smiled when Draco handed her her cloak, they each grabbed one of their children’s hands and they set off.

The trip to Harry’s was less than five minutes long, a relatively quiet except for one of the twins occasionally piping up and saying how pretty something or the other was.

“We’re here!” Hermione announced loudly, leading her family up the circular driveway and to the now familiar red brick house.

They had only just knocked on the door, before it was opened by a hyper looking James.

“Hiya, Aunty Hermione and Uncle Draco!”James said eagerly, pretty much looked like he had just got up from a late nap.

“Hi Jake!” He added, and finished with a shy “Hi Natalya...”

Hermione smiled at that, she thought it was sweet how James acted around her daughter, Draco on the other hand did not like that, his daughter was only five years old for crying out loud!

But, before either of the group could open their mouth a loud, shrill voice interrupted them.

“James Sirius Potter!! I’ve told you dozens of times NOT to open the door!!” Pansy said sternly.

“Sorry mommy.” James said with his head down, he went to his mother and hugged her around her legs looking up at her with big tear filled eyes; Pansy gave her son a big hug at that, she couldn’t resist that look, it seemed like none of the parent’s could.

“Oh! Hey guys, come in!” Pansy said, finally noticing that they were there.

“Hi Pansy.” Hermione and Draco said at the same time, a faint blush rose to Hermione’s cheeks.

Harry came around the corner the moment that the twins and James’ ran upstairs to James’ room.

“Hi guys, anyone care for some cauldron cakes?” Harry asked with a smile on his face

“Sure.” everyone agreed and retreated to the kitchen.


“What you wanna do?” Natalya asked, bouncing up and down eagerly on James’s bed.

James sat in a on the ground, cross-legged and Jacob on a plush, dark blue bean bag with snitch’s plastered all over it; the snitch’s had been charmed to fly all over the chair.

“I think we’ll prank our mommy’s and daddy’s!” James suggested excitedly.

“And we can be a prank group after that and people wil call us the... mini-marauders!!” James added.

“My daddy said I’d be mischievous just like my namesakes and he said something about them being in a pranking group called the Marauders!! So we can be Mini-Marauders!!” James said rapidly, jumping up and down excitedly.

“What do namesakes mean?” Jacob asked, confused.

“I don’t know, it sounds cool though!” James said, hyper from all the candy he had eaten.

“We can...... put this thing in their drinks!” Natalya said holding up a box she had found in her daddy’s room, the box said puking pastels on it.

“What does it say? I can only read a few words.” James said glancing at the box.

“Let’s go!” Jacob said

And with those two words, the newly named mini-marauders set off on a mission to prank their parents.

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