Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Lea tiptoed quietly down the hallways of Malfoy Manor, and slowly into the informal living room. Jake, on the other hand, ran down the halls, his feet slapping against the polished wood floors loudly. They found their ever prepared grandmother sitting in one of the chairs, reading a book.

“When your father was young, he would wake up on Christmas morning, and run to this very room.” Narcissa said, closing her book. “I learned it was better to wake up early, sit here with a book, and wait for him.”

Lea would never stop being amazed by her grandmother. She wanted to be like her when she was older, almost as much as she wanted to be like her mother.

“Can we open presents now!?” Jake exclaimed. He sounded like a three year old who had had ice cream and Coke for breakfast. Lea imagined that James probably sounded exactly the same at his own home.

“As soon as your parents awaken, which should be soon.” Narcissa replied. “Prissy!”

Moments later, a small elf appeared. “How can Prissy help Mistress?”

“Can you bring the muggle camera please?”

“Yes Mistress.” The elf bowed, and disappeared. Moments later it reappeared with a very high tech looking camera.

Narcissa carefully took the camera from the small elf’s hands. “That will be all Prissy.”

Once the elf returned to its chores, Narcissa took out her wand and muttered a charm, seconds later, the camera floated up in the air and sat there.

“Gamma, what is it supposed to do? I mean, its just floating there!” Lea said, confused.

“It will take pictures every few minutes, or when I wave my hand at it.” Narcissa explained quickly, as she heard two sets of feet coming down the hall.

Hermione and Draco appeared as she said that, both looking tired.

“What took you guys so long?” Jake asked, staring at a large present with eager eyes.

“It’s seven o’clock on a Saturday morning, Jacob.”  Hermione said grumpily, rubbing her eyes.

 Jake didn’t register his mother’s grumpy tone, and asked, “Can we please open presents now? It’s Christmas!”

Draco, on the other hand, looked bright and alert. “Sure Jake.”

Jake practically attacked the present he had been intently staring at with vengeance; it revealed the mobile holographic Quidditch television set that his parents had bought. Lea opened her present with more care, but was equally excited at the present.

“Thanks Mum!” Lea said, the moment Jake said, “Thanks Dad!”

The duo went on opening presents; Hermione and Draco had already decided that they would open presents from within the family at the Manor, and any other gifts would be opened later that day, at The Burrow with everyone.

Lea was pleased with her gifts, especially the book from her parents, and the necklace she had received from her grandmother.

“This is a Malfoy Family heirloom; it’s giving to any daughters born into the family. It hasn’t been used in centuries, since the last time a daughter was born into the family was in 1687. Her name was Juliet Malfoy.”  Narcissa had explained when she gave the teenager the priceless antique.

The necklace was simple, but elegantly beautiful. The platinum angel wing had small, dot-sized diamonds and emeralds scattered on it. A Goblin made chain threaded through the small hole on the wing. One might have thought that it was fancy, but it was the epitome of classiness. A small, gothic looking ‘M’ was carved into the back of the wing.

“If you touch the ‘M’ in a time of desperation, it will act as a shield charm, and apparate you to the first place you think of.”

“Thank you Gamma!” Lea launched herself at Narcissa. “This is beautiful!”

“You’re welcome dearest.” Narcissa smiled.

Jake was still in awe of the gifts he received. His Grandmother’s gift to him was just as sentimental as his sister’s.

“Now for you Jacob, you get the Malfoy Heir ring. Your father wore it, and when he took over as head of the Family, he got the Malfoy Head ring. This ring will do the same as your sister’s necklace would in a time of need.”

She placed a large, jewelled ring in his hand. It was platinum, like the necklace, and had detailed carvings on it. In the centre, instead of an emerald, like Draco ’s, was a onyx stone, before the onyx had been placed, a ‘M’ had been carved into the platinum, so it didn’t disrupt the ring’s beauty.

“Thanks Gamma.” Jake hugged his Grandmother.

“You’re welcome, if you don’t want to wear it on your hand, we could purchase a chain for you to wear it on.”

“That’d be good; I’d probably lose it if I kept it on my finger all the time.”

“You can’t lose it, there’s an ancient tracking charm on it that can never be taken off.”


“It’s not only for the safety of the ring, but also to make sure that you can’t go anywhere stupid or illegal.”

“What’s the point of being a teenager if you can’t do anything stupid?”

“You’ll have to find other things to do. If you think your mother or I will let you do something stupid, then your delusional, my dear.”

“But, I’ve already done stupid things and you never stopped me.”

“That was then, this is now.”

“This conversation makes no sense, Gamma.”

“I agree!” Lea shouted from the other side of the room.

“Mistress!” Prissy squeaked, popping into the room, “Breakfast is ready!”

“Have we finished opening all of the gifts?”Narcissa asked, when everyone nodded their heads she announced that they should make their way to the dining room.

“You’ll get your present later.” Draco whispered into Hermione’s ear as they entered the dining room.

Hermione wondered what her gift would be.

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