Part.19 Lonely

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~Toms POV~
Well shit I finally escaped Matt from the ally but I'm questioning myself "how did he get possessed?" I don't know how I don't know when but I am panting from all the running.
The yellow eyes that he had looked very terrifying... "did a ghost from hell possess him? That's really impossible..." I need to get home and have a drink to get my mind off it or stay in my room playing Susan.

~Edd's POV~
Finally home, at least I didn't get fired from work... "ugh fuck..." I feel like I'm going to pass out and I see Tord looking like a demon but he was calm drawing surprisingly and I obviously know what he is drawing... "Roses and stars"
Why can't I get over the fact that he keeps on talking about it, I get it he likes both of them but it's really annoying.... I'm definitely not going to ask him why he's drawing. I walk to the kitchen and grab my favourite drink, Cola is what keeps me awake or gives me a sugar rush.

~Tord's POV~
I see Edd looking really exhausted I suggest to him that he should get some rest but no he goes to the fucking kitchen and grab a drink... Cola. He's got bags under his eyes and a dull expression. He doesn't act like the Edd I know which is sad... I hear footsteps outside the house and wondered who it was coming, so I got up and opened the door only to see Tom looking out of breath. I feel the urge to help him inside so I pick him up unexpectedly putting him on my back and walk towards the couch. By the time I reached it he was fast asleep so I just layed him down on there "Looks like he'd been in deep water".

~Tom's POV~ also a few minutes later~
I woke up to Tord and Edd staring at me with worried expressions but I don't recall myself getting home then I feel Ringo rub against my legs purring.
I get up and tell them I'm heading to my room, they nod as if knowing I'd obviously go there and play Susan.
I start to play my black and white bass guitar and sing ((IDK)) this song called "Feelings are fatal" it's quite a song you know? Somehow I feel a connection with the song, like it's telling our lives but the funny thing is that my head hurts... sadly. But to put my mind off it I'll concentrate on the song a bit alone.

((432 words wow and that song was recommended by a friend! Thx friend! 😊))

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