Part. 17 Yellow Eyes

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~ Edd's POV~
~Next day~
So I still can't handle Tord talking shit about stars and stuff, I'm at work bored not able to get my costumers order right for fuck sake... Paul was mad he said "If you get one more order wrong you're fired!" Like, I was daydreaming since I couldn't sleep, so it's not really my fault fucking Paul. "Sigh" at least I got one right, Jon's order. His one was very easy to make, a strawberry milkshake with a sprinkle doughnut. At least he was nice unlike Paul.
At least I'm on my break now...

~Matt's POV~
I'm scared, I'm looking at myself and running, panting. Running from my own shadow but my shadow looks different, it's not black or grey.... "It's white" it's holding a knife again. I guess I was a dumb ass guy for coming here... I should run but I can't, I'm frozen. "It's possessed me..."

~Tom's POV~
I'm walking through the street minding my own business and I see eyes a pair looking at me, normally in horror movies when a sinister person is looking at you they have red eyes but I'm now seeing yellow eyes. He kind of looks like Matt, no wait it is Matt "Shit" he's looking at me with a evil smirk and walking closer., also he kind of looks like Matt.
"No shit Sherlock Thomas, it's fucking him"
I need to run away from him and shit, I don't see a exit from this ally way. "I'm going to die"

~Tord's POV~
Finally I can have peace and quiet around the house,  also I don't know why but I suddenly grew wings and horns but it feels odd not having the guys around. Ringo will keep me company from being lonely, at least I can tell her my secrets and not care about the world right now, hey at least I'm not going insane a mad scientist.

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