Part.6 And you hide?

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~Tom's POV~
"I'm sorry" is what I said to him. He just stood there, doing nothing...
But why him? Hugging him, crying looking not drunk they don't know what I did, that knife... my heads messed up all over the place! I don't know what to do with this pain I am in... it hurts.
I don't want to show or tell anyone that I did this to myself, it's my fault They'll find out soon he'll find out soon... Edd will find out soon... I'll just try to put on a fake smile and pretend that everything is okay...
Or should I feel like going into hiding again? Yes, I don't know, maybe? What's more important that I keep my flame going. Keep it lit up. I can't undo myself, I try and try and it doesn't work.

~Matt's POV~
So literally I'm just thinking to myself "How do I help Tom? And it finally stopped raining! . Edd acts weird around him" like really weird, nervous and shy all at once... it's like he... wait... could he be in love with Tom? If he is well I'll support him to keep on loving him!  I'll just have to ask him, but will that be embarrassing for him?
"Yeah, well I mean I guess?" That's it and I'm asking him. Eventually he'll have to confess to everyone and Tom. But hopefully Edd doesn't stay silent like Tom was before. I hope...

~Tord's POV~
After that I asked if he was okay and I got no response, He'd just sit down in a corner sobbing... it's weird of me to ask if he was okay. Also I asked if he needed anything but he just shook his head and continued sobbing, so I decided to hand him Susan... he looked at me for a seconds then started to play the strings.
To be honest he's not bad at playing his black and white bass, so I stayed for a few minutes listening to him play Susan and I'm not breaking Susan any time soon.

He looked so calm while playing his bass, I could feel something fluffy purr on me... it was Ringo looking cute as fuck, but she interrupted Tom playing Susan and curled up against Tom.

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