Chapter 2

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I don't own anything, just the OCs that may appear.

[P.O.V. Haku]

It has been five years since the Battle of Okehazama.

Since then I have become a samurai under the Oda. And I have to say...

It was quite vexing if I have to say...

Just after getting into Owari, Nobunaga had requested(ordered) me to show my abilities to the rest of the clan who weren't present in the battle.

Oh boy... they were kinda shocked.

I showed off my magecraft to people and that was by making the soldiers to fire muskets at me.

I used my Reinforment magecraft to reinforce my body to block all bullet.

I also showed off my talents with the sword. I had a duel with Toshiie-san in which I won, due to the fact that he was only gauging my skills not fighting my seriously or I would have lost.

After that Nobunaga-sama made me captain of my own squad in which I was allowed to have subordinates of my own.

Since I got along well with Goro and also for the fact he was knowledgeable in management issues, I decided to make him my right-hand man.

Right now soon...

"Is something troubling you, my lady?" The voice of a girl talks to me in concern.

Oh! I forgot to say that it was night-time and I was in bed alongside a beautiful girl with short brown hair and matching eyes.

This girl was none other than Nene, the suppossed wife of Hideyoshi, who right now was my wife instead of that monkey.

About three months after the Battle of Okehazama, her parents came to me and proposed Nene to become my wife, they probably heard of my 'mystical powers' so they wanted Nene who would give birth to a child with the same capabilities as me.

Well... that very first year of our marriage was... scandalous if I have to say...

Because like it was expected, she found out that I was truly a girl in body. While she freaked out at first. She soon got over it and we got along well.

While at first she used to say that we couldn't truly love each other because of both of us being of the same gender. Something changed that.

It was the day... where she was kidnapped by bandits who wanted a ransom for her life.

Well I don't want to go into many details so I will just say that I managed to rescue Nene and after that, she fully fell in love with me.

Ahh~ To have such a cute girl who loves me as my wife was a blessing. I wasn't exactly handsome in my past life so I never even hoped of getting a girlfriend.

"My lady!" Nene whines at me for keep being silent.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help but to see how beautiful you're, Nene." I purred at her as I got closer to her and kissed her passionately.

She along with Goro are the only ones who knows about my true gender.

How did Goro found out about my gender? That will be an story for another day.

"My lady! Don't try to distract me from my question!" Nene scolds me, but I had one of my hands on her breast.

Oh, Yeah. We just had sex some moments ago.

"Forgive me! I just couldn't help myself." I playfully apologized. "What's there a reason for your worries?"

"My love... I know that Nobunaga-sama has ordered you to join the Siege of Inabayama." The way she sounded. She must be worried for the fact that I might get badly hurt in the siege.

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