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I woke up from the test and I looked at the woman still out of it a little
" well "
" you got ... Dauntless "
She seemed scared for me almost
" what no that's impossible "
" well it's what it says ... this isn't what you have to choose tomorrow "
" I know "
I said kind of coldly as I collected my things and walked out of the room for the next Amity kid to go.

After my mom made the food that was picked from the garden that day my father said
" Amity right "
And he quickly took a bite not bothering to close his mouth I nodded. I was bringing a fork to my mouth and he hit it down
" yes or no "
His voice a little louder I looked at him and nodded again and this time he threw the fork on the floor still chewing and breathing a little heavier due to his growing anger
" fine yes are you happy now "
That's when he hit me across the cheek with the back of his hand so hard that I fell off the chair
" now you go to bed and you better chose us tomorrow "
I got up and went to my room and locked the door. I love my mom and I couldn't stand leaving her here with him but at the same time, I can't take it all. I cried until my eyes grew too heavy that they closed and my mind turned off forgetting my body's hunger and I got to escape to a much happier place that I'm in full control of.

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