Seeeeventteernn!! Seventeen! :D

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-Liam's POV-

Niall screamed and ran out to the balcony. I cannot fucking believe that Zayn just said that to him! I ran out to him and Zayn followed me. He looked really guilty now. He's such a stupid ass.

Niall flipped Zayn off and sent me a sympathetic smile before taking that last step and started to fall off the side of the balcony. I froze but Zayn didn't.

-Niall's POV-

I started to fall slowly at first. Then I started to pick up speed and I started to think about everything.

" I'm so sorry Amber... " I said silently as I started to actually plummet to the ground. I shut my eyes tightly and heard footsteps before a scream as I felt finger tips brush mine.

" NIALL!!! " Zayn's voice rung through my ears. I opened my eyes to see he was actually crying. I felt as if I stopped moving. It felt like time stopped.

That's when I felt the most pain I've ever felt in my life. Physically of course.

Everything went black almost immediately.

-Zayn's POV-

I watched him fall to the ground. I was crying. Yes crying after what I told him. After what I said to make him do this. He hit the ground and he landed in the grass. I saw his head bounce and then he just laid there.


I ran passed Liam and practically flew out of the house to the front yard where Niall was. I crouched down next to him and started to bawl. I started whispering to him.

" I'm so sorry Niall. I'm so so so sorry... " I whispered. I heard sirens and then looked up to see Louis, Liam and Harry standing there. Liam just put his phone down and they were glaring at me. I stood up and Liam approached me.

I felt a sting on the side of my face. My hand flew up to it and realized he just slapped me.

" What the hell were you thinking? " he spat.

" I-I don't know! " I said honestly.

" Bullshit Zayn. "

" I just don't want to believe something and I do now! After I've taking it too far... " I started to cry.

" Zayn! He was you best fucking friend! And ours also! How could you do that?! " the ambulances and police showed up and came over to us.

" We have a few questions. " Liam and I nodded at the same time.

" What is your first question? " Liam asked.

" Why did he jump? " I froze.

" He was under a lot of stress and we didn't know about it. We started to fight and he just jumped. We couldn't stop him. " Louis butted in.

The officer nodded and asked a few more questions. " Alright you boys will have to visit Mr. Horan tomorrow. Get to bed. " he drove off. I was dragged into the house after Liam and Harry.

" WHY ZAYN!? " Louis screamed. I flinched.

" I'm sorry! " I yelled back. I was really and truly sorry.

" I don't think you are Zayn! " Harry screamed. He was still crying a bit but he was really angry now. Scary...

" I am... " I whispered.

" No you're not! If you were you wouldn't have gone too far with it! You know how fragile he is! Especially when it comes to you! " Liam stated sternly. He was right. Niall liked me the best out of everyone. He loved me. Like truly loved me. He even told me that.

" I'm sorry I didn't want to admit... " I trailed off.

" Admit what Zayn!? " They all screamed at me. I slid down the wall and screamed back at them.


A/N: Sorry very short chapter. It was a perfect cliffhanger right there. (: have a perfect cliffhanger for the next chapter also but it's going to be short also :P enjoy it?

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