Chapter Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!

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~Liam's Point Of View.~

Niall's been in the hospital for about a day or so. He's in a coma right now. He's got a broken arm and brused ribs. They said the car hit his head pretty hard. Louis has been terrible. Niall's like his little brother. Sure we're all brothers but when it comes to Niall, Louis goes bezerk. Harry has been comforting him and I've been the one staying at the hospital. Harry brings Lou in every hour to see Niall but he just breaks down when he sees him. Zayn hasn't been to visit at all. All he's done was comfort Louis while Harry was with Niall but Zayn wouldn't step foot into Niall's hospital room. That boy is just stupid as fuck.

Right now I'm sitting in the Simon's office with a crying Louis to my left with Harry hugging him and Zayn to my right who's typing away on his phone. Twitter has been blowing up ever since the news released that Niall was in the hospital and was in a coma. Simon was studying us right now and I was getting slightly uncomfortable because he was staring dead at me. I wanted to go back to see Niall but Simon told us he had stuff to talk about with us. I have no idea what kind of stuff but it freaks me out when he just sits there and stares at you as if trying to figure out everything about you.

" Boys. " He finally spoke and I sighed a quiet sigh of relief as he took his eyes off of me.

" Yes Simon? " I replied to him. Zayn had put away his phone and Louis tried his best to keep from crying.

" Do you know why I called you in here today? " We shook our heads. I heard a sniffle from Louis and I placed my hand on his knee. " I called you in here today because we are going to talk about Niall. " Louis let another choked sob out. Harry quickly hugged him again trying to shush him.

" What about him sir? " I asked. Zayn has yet to say a word!

" You boys will get the month off for Niall's condition. If he isn't out of the coma by then, you boys will have to do the shows and interviews without him okay? Do I make myself clear? " Without hesitation we all nodded. " Very well. You may leave. " I flew out of my seat and dragged the other three with me out of Simon's office.

" Louis shh.. Please be quiet. " Harry tried to calm Louis down as we walked back out to the van. Once we got in, I told Paul to drive us to the hospital but Zayn finally spoke up.

" Take me back to the hotel. " He said with his head leaned back and his eyes closed. Louis must've seen my fists or something because he instantly clung to me and whispered into my ear.

" Don't. " I took a deep breath and nodded. Louis was still clung to me when I looked in Harry's direction. He looked jealous? No that couldn't be it. Could it? He was just looking at Louis with a look undescribable.

" Alright boys. We're here at the hospital. Be careful okay? " Paul told us as we went into the hospital. Me, Lou and Haz all gave him a thumbs up and went inside. I went up to the front desk and asked the girl there if we could see Niall.

" Of coure you can sweetie. " She smiled. " Only one at a time though. " I nodded and walked back to Harry and Louis. Louis was curled up to Harry's chest and there was a small smile on his face as he looked down at Louis. I'll ask him about it later.

" Alright boys, who wants to go see him first? Only one at a time she said. " I told them. Louis pointed to me and I looked at Harry who just nodded. " Alright. I'll be right back. " I told both of them before walking towards Niall's room.

I opened the door and saw that he was still lifeless. I sighed and sat next to him, taking his hand.

" Niall please wake up. Louis has been a wreck. So have Harry and I. Zayn well... I think I'll not say much about him right now. Just please wake up Niall. I don't know what I would do without you. " I whispered to him yet to myself at the same time. " I don't know if you can hear me but just please. Wake up. " I stood up and hovered over him thinking whether I should kiss him just one more time or not. I shook my head and placed a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the room back towards Harry and Louis. Louis was sitting next to Harry now and Harry was looking at the ground.

" Who's next? " I asked, making them jump. Louis slouched down in his chair while Harry shot straight up.

" I don't want to go... " I heard Louis mumble. I nodded and Harry practically took off to Niall's room.

~Harry's POV~

I ran as fast as possible to Niall's room. I need to clear my mind before I end up doing something extremely stupid like just then. I walked in and shut the door behind me before walking over to the chairs next to Niall.

" Niall, I almost did something really stupid. I know you probably can't hear me but oh well. I think I might be bi or something because I have been comforting Louis while you have been in here and just being close to him gives me butterflies. Just now, when Liam was in here I... I was looking down at Louis and he looked up at me and I felt myself leaning in a bit because I really want to kiss him Niall! But Louis freaked out and practically fell to the ground and sat beside me... " I could feel my eyes watering but I didn't really care. " When Liam asked who was next, Louis slouched down and mumbled he didn't want to come in here and I shot up out of my seat and just ran in here. I've screwed up Niall... He probably doesn't want to talk to me... How could I've been so stupid? " I was cryng by now. " I'll visit everyday... I have to go now Ni... Love you... Wake up please. " I kissed his forehead and walked out with my head down. I didn't wipe the tears away because I just didn't see the point in it because I'll just end up crying again.

" I-I'm ready... " I choked out when I reached Liam and Louis. I glanced up and saw Louis avoiding to look at me while Liam stood up and pulled Louis up with him. I could feel myself wanting to cry again but I refused to let them out.

" Alright. I'll call Paul. " Liam told me. I walked outside behind Louis and Liam and leaned against the wall. Louis was standing with Liam and Liam had his arm wrapped tightly around Louis' shoulders. I just want to be in Liam's place but I can't. I probably just made it very awkward between me and Louis.

I slid down so I was now sitting with my head in my knees. I was trying so hard not to cry but I could feel tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. I just wish I hadn't of done anything... Why did I do that?

" Harry? Are you coming? " I heard Liam who now seemed to be right beside me. I looked up at him and nodded slowly, seeing that Louis was getting into the car. " Are you okay? " He asked me as I stood up.

" I don't think so... " I told him truthfully before climbing into the back of the car, away from Louis. I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. A few tears fell and I heard two sighs. One from the seat in front of me and one from the front of the car. I heard a bit of movement and then I felt a tap on my leg. I opened my eyes to see Louis looking at me concerned.

" Are you okay Hazza? " He asked me. He didn't seem to be crying as much cause of the Niall thing anymore but I know I was crying but not because of Niall...

I just shrugged and went back to looking out the window. I heard shuffling and the arms wrapped around my body. It sent shivers down my spine.

" Hazza. What's wrong? " I heard his angelic voice ask me. His voice was completely filled with worry and guilt.

" I just really hope Niall is okay. And I have a lot of things on my mind... " I trailed off.

" Like what? " He's always been the nosy type but it's cute.

" Family.......... " I whispered.

Only if he knew how much of a lie that was.

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