Chapter Sticks!... PHAEL! Six!

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I walked around a bit after going out of the hotel. I'm honestly surprised that no one is out here although it is like 10:45 or so at night. I'm still caught on the idea of Zayn standing up for his girlfriend other than his best mate. I don't understand honestly.

I mean who the hell would chose a girl over their best mate unless it was their fiancé or wife or something? If the girl I liked said stuff like that to Louis, I would've kicked her ass out of my place and never talked to her again. That's just too far. Calling Louis a fag. No.

" OH MY GOD!!! NIALL HORAN?! " I heard a squeal from behind me. I sighed before turning around to see two girls around fourteen or so smiling hugely.

" Shouldn't you girls be in bed? " I asked them, making my accent show more. They gasped and looked at each other. They squealed before running up to me with their phones.

" Please please please can I have a picture?! " One with blonde hair and blackish glasses asked.

" Can I get one two?! And can you sign my phone?! And iPod?! " the one with brown curly hair and blue glasses asked.

" Of course you can. " I said with a smile. I loved doing things for my fans.

I posed for the pictures with the girls before signing their phones.

" And what's your names? " I asked as I started to sign a little note.

" I'm Hillary! " the blonde one said excitedly.

I wrote down a note on the back of her phone and iPod for her and smiled. They seem really nice just two fans. " There you go Hillary. "

" And mines Alison! We're cousins! " the brunette said. I smiled at them before signing Alison's iPod and phone.

" Well it was nice to meet you two but I better be getting back to the boys. And you too better get to bed! " I said teasfully. They giggled and nodded.

" Bye Nialler!!! " They both said before practically tackling me into a big bear hug. I hugged them back and they skipped off into the distance. I sighed before running a hand through my hair. I guess I'd better get back to the hotel. I'm sure Liam is flipping his shit right now.

I started my way back to the hotel and pulled out my phone. I unlocked it and saw I had one message.

Hey Niall. Are you alright? -Hazza.xx

Well at least he cares. I quickly replied to him.

Yeah I'm okay I guess. I don't know where I'm going to crash though. I really don't want to sleep in the same room as Zayn and Skyla. -Nialler.xx

I put my phone away as I entered the hotel again. I slowly made my way up the stairs to my floor. I slowed my pace even more as I looked between the doors of mine, Liam's and Harry's. I slowly made my way to my room silently and slowly opened the door to see Zayn standing out on the balcony.

I shut the door and it made a click which made Zayn turn around to look at me.

" Hi Zayn.. " I said sadly a bit. He looked at me with a cold look. I looked down at the ground afraid he was about to yell at me.

" Niall. " Was all he said. I shuffled my feet a bit because I really didn't want him to be mad at me. What if he heard me? What will he do?

" I... Uhm... I'm going to sleep then... " I said quietly, making my way to my bed. I heard a shuffle and then the door slid to a shut. I glanced up at Zayn to see him walking towards me. I gulped as he got closer.

" Skyla left Niall. " He said when he was next to me. She gone? YES!

" W-Why? " I asked him.

" Because of you. You stood up for Louis and hurt her feelings. She said that she didn't want to be around people who hurt her. " He said coldly.

" But I was just sticking up for my best mate..... " I said silently. I backed up a bit and he just kept moving closer to me. I was soon against the wall. Here we go again with the lecture on how I ruined his fucking love life. He blamed me for his and Perrie's break up also. Rediculous.

" You always ruin everything you know? You only seem to care about yourself! You're so selfish! You cry all day and night to get attention! You probably are just fucking desprate! " He yelled. He had me pinned against the wall with his arm to my neck. I felt a lump form in my throat again.

" I-I'm s-sorry... I-- " I started but he cut me off.

" You need to just stop interfereing with MY fucking love life! You have no right to yell at Skyla like that! YOU even thought she was pretty! What the actual fuck Niall!? " He pressed his arm tighter to my throat. I started to have a hard time breathing. I felt as if my eye were going to start pouring waterfalls (A/U: Hey Kylee (; ) then and there. I started pushing Zayn away from me but he pressed harder.

I started coughing and he jsut kept yelling. " What is wrong with you?! You just want to get attention because you have no one there to love you! No one will love you Niall! "

Something about that made me just lose it completely.

My eyes started over flowling with tears and I started kicking and pushing despite that I was having trouble breathing. I pushed him away from me and started screaming at the top of my lungs.

" I KNOW NO ONE WILL LOVE ME ZAYN!!! I'M SORRY THAT I'VE RUINED EVERYTHING FOR YOU!!! IT KILLS ME TO EVEN THINK THAT NO ONE WILL LOVE ME ALTHOUGH I KNOW IT'S FUCKING TRUE!!! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR IT FROM MY BEST FUCKING MATE ZAYN!!!!!!!!! All I want is to be loved by someone.... Is that too much to ask for? " I screamed then started to whisper more to myself. I looked up at Zayn to see him shaking his head.

" Niall, You act like you have never been loved before. We still love you don't worry but-- " I cut him off as I attempted, but failed epically, to stop crying.

" Just shut up Zayn. I don't need to even hear anything like this from the guy who always blames ME for his break ups, the guy who blames ME for our screw ups on stage and the guy who always blames ME for everything! " I said still crying as I remembered all of the times he's yelled at me. I started to cry harder as I remembered the day he yelled at me after his and Perrie's break up that day.


Zayn walked into the flat with a tear stained face. He walked into the kitchen and looked dead at me with the coldest look in the world. Liam, Louis and Harry weren't home because they went to the store to buy food and I can't go with them or else I'll buy the whole store pretty much.

" Zayn? What happened?! " I asked worried, completely ignoring the look he was giving me.

" You! " He yelled. " You're the reason we broke up!!! You mother fucking asshole!!! You had to screw everything up didn't you!? " He was angry and yelling at me. I really didn't like that...

" Whatever I did I-- " I was suddenly pinned against the counter and a fist collided to my face. I screamed in pain.

" How could you do that to me!? How could you fucking force her to kiss you!? I thought we were best mates Niall!!! Bets Mates don't do that to each other!!!!!! " He screamed.

" B-But I-I didn't d-do a-anything!!! " I yelled back the best I could as my nose was bleeding.

" I HATE YOU!!!!!!!! " He screamed again before marching off up the stairs.

FlashBack End!

I curled up in my bed and covered my whole body with the blankets. I'm surprised the others haven't came to see what was happening. I felt the blankets starting to be removed but I just pulled them back up.

" Niall seriously... " Zayn started.

" No! Go away Zayn! You made it perfectly clear that you hated me and that I would never be loved! I don't want to talk to you! " I said sternly as the tears streamed down my face. I heard a sigh and then shuffling before a bed creak. I figured that he just laid down and I decided it would be a good idea to get some sleep knowing we have an interview tomorrow.

I closed my eyes and started drifting to sleep after a while. My cheeks were still wet from the waterfalls that fell from my eyes but I didn't care. Soon enough.

Everything was completely gone.

Author's Note.: Okay sorry for the depressing chapters!!! D: Anywhore. This author's note is mostly for i_am_ell_love because she thinks I don't love her. Okay.


Complications. Ziall Horlik.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara