Stickteen. Sixteen. Whichever!

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I woke up with a HUGE ASS HEADACHE! I groaned extremely loud and flopped over only to feel something right beside me. I opened my eyes and saw a body next to me.

" HOLY FUCKING HELL!? " I said as I jumped and ended up falling off the bed. " Ow... " I said as I heard laughing. It was very familiar and it just so happened to be Harry's. " HAROLD! " I yelled and Louis came running in.

" What happened?! Harry are you okay? " Oh so he asks Harry if he's okay when he's still laughing on the bed and I'm on the floor cradling my head. Because I so totally okay.

" Yes I'm fine. Niall are you all right? " I saw a hint of red on his cheeks as Louis touched his face everywhere. Does he like Louis?

" I guess.. " I grumbled as I stood up and walked down the stairs. I tripped on the last step but someone caught me. I looked up to see who it was and it was Zayn. I blushed and looked down but he didn't have any expression on his face. It was just blank. He almost looked like he was thinking but then again I couldn't tell. I stood up correctly and walked passed him. I heard a groan in frustration from the kitchen so I walked in there to see Liam with his head down on the table. I tapped his shoulder and he jumped up.

" Oh Hi Niall... " He said really fast. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just shook his head. " I'm just tired of the way Zayn is acting around you. " He said. I could feel a hint of lie in that but most of it he said I could tell we true. I sighed and sat down next to him.

" Well I can't do anything about it. " I said while playing with a piece of string on the table. Don't ask me how it got there. It was just there.

" I know you can't Niall. Listen, we should just have a day in and watch movies and play games ya know? " I nodded and walked into the living room to see Louis and Harry sitting there. Both in deep thought. Zayn was on the chair also in deep thought. Dafuq? I jumped and yelled.

" LET'S PLAY A GAME! " They all jumped and looked at me. Louis with a smile. Harry with a thankful look. And Zayn with... nothing. I meantally groaned.

" I'M PICKING! " Louis yelled and ran to the games. Harry chuckled and Liam finally walked in on his phone. Texting Dani I suppose. I sat down next to Harry and Louis put in Just Dance 4. " C'mon Horan. Let's see you get your ass kicked. " He sneered.

" Bring it Tommo. " I said jumping up and standing next to him. He picked, of course, What Makes You Beautiful. I was the purple one and Louis was the red. We danced with all our energy and I still won. " IN YOUR FACE TOMMO! " I yelled happily as I sat down breathless. He grumbled angry words as he sat down on the floor.

We played that game and lots of other for a while and decided on watching a movie. A Scary movie. We ended up watching Paranormal Activity 4. Liam said he had to go sort something out with Danielle so he left the room before the movie started and I was stuck on the couch with Zayn because Louis and Harry were spralled out on the other one. If I said it was awkward would be an understatement. Each time I jumped I would be closer to him than wanted. Eventually I jumped and cuddled into him only to be pushed away.

It shattered my heart and you could probably hear it over the screams on the telly. I scooted away from him and tried to hold the tears in my eyes but really couldn't. I stood up and started walking into the kitchen when Louis stopped me.

" Where you going Nialler? " He asked confused.

" Kitchen. " I said and entered the kitchen. I leaned against the counter and had my back facing the doorway and let some of the tears fall from my eyes. The fell silently and I sniffled a few times until I heard the door open. I froze and made sure that I didn't make a sound.

" Niall? Are you okay? I kept hearing sniffling. " I was relieved that it was only Liam. I turned around and ran towards him. " What's wrong buddy? "

" H-He pushed me away... " I whispered quietly. I heard the door open again and glanced up to see the other three boys standing there as well. I looked over and saw that my balcony door was still open.

" Zayn I think you need to answer a few questions from Niall. " Louis said sternly once he seen that I was crying.

" Like what? I don't need to answer anything for that fag. " The sting from that was like a million wasps stinging the same place over and over again. I pulled away from Liam and stood straight up. Tears made their way down my face again.

" Like why you suddenly hate me because I'm gay! You were all cuddly before and now you're suddenly homophobic! " Zayn came closer and was looking like he was red with anger.

" I don't have to answer that you stupid fag! " Liam sat down at the table and Louis did to but Harry walked up to us.

" Guys please don't do this.. " He pleaded.

" SHUT UP HARRY! " We both screamed. He stepped back until he was against the wall and slid down it. His knees up to his chest and I could see tears slowly falling from his eyes. I felt bad for making him cry. Louis shot up and ran to Harry trying to confort him while me and Zayn just kept yelling at each other.

" What happened to us Zayn!? " I yelled still crying.

" YOU HAPPENED! " He yelled which made me cry even harder.

" What happened to best friend forever no matter what? What ever hapened to that Zayn!? "

" IT WAS A LIE! ALL A LIE NIALL! DIDN'T YOU GET THAT?! " He was getting even angrier and was now in my face.

It was all a lie.

My tears stopped completely and I just stood there. Completely frozen. Everything was a Lie.



" I'M SORRY I WAS FUCKING JEALOUS! I'M SORRY THAT I FUCKING LOVE YOU ZAYN! BUT I DIDN'T BREAK YOU TWO UP!!!! SHE KISSED ME! " I screamed even louder not caring that I just told him I loved him. Like he would even care anyways.

" I AM NOT HAVE A FAG LOVE ME! " He yelled before trying to throw a swing at me. I ducked and stood back up. Liam walked over to us and made sure we couldn't hit each other. Harry was still crying in the corner with Louis hugging him.

" Now. Are you two going to stop yelling or not? " He asked sternly. I've never seen him like this. Tears were flowing again and I nodded my head but Zayn shook his which sent me over the edge.

" FUCK YOU MALIK! " I screamed and ran out of Liam's arm to the open balcony door. Cars were rushing by my flat since we lived on a busy road. I stood on the edge and heard footsteps behind my. I looked back to see Liam and Zayn.

Liam was begging me with his eyes telling me not to jump and Zayn had guilt written all over his.

I smiled sympathetically at Liam and then flipped Zayn off.

I took the last step and started to fall.

Goodbye cruel world.

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