xx. pink shoe laces

Start from the beginning

She turned back to the blonde stunned before composing herself. "Amanda! Didn't— Didn't expect to see you here?"

"Neither did I?" She raised a brow and motioned to the dress that was hidden away behind her back. Remembering when she had last seen her in the club had her realize Julia might've actually listened to the advice she'd given. "Nice dress to be buying. Special occasion?"

Her mother cleared her throat despite continuing to not answer the question. "You could say that."

"So you're going?"

She brushed this off. "Obviously I haven't decided just yet." Julia suddenly blushed at the fact. "I regret not saying yes there. I just. . ."

"You didn't expect for him to do it? Let alone think you yourself would go considering the persona you seem to enjoy playing."

Julia laughed at over her being forthright. "You've got a lot of talk to give, you know." She nodded in agreement regardless. "But it's something I needed to realize sooner than later. Suppose I can thank you for that sometime." Grabbing her things she put on her shades to smile down to the blonde yet again. "See you tonight, Amanda."

Amanda smiled back to see Babs and Lorraine finally making their way back to her. The three of girls exited the store, Lorraine finally taking the time show off the dress she managed to save for herself ahead of time especially for the event. It was soft pink, sleeveless dress that had Babs swooning over it to egg on her excitement. "It's perfect, Lorraine."

"Doris Day energy. Doris Day energy," Amanda thought over not knowing how to mimic the response her friend had given her.

Smiling along with Babs, she pretended to play along. "Oh you'll look terrific tonight!"

"It's gorgeous!" Lorraine placed it back into the box as Amanda looked behind her to notice Biff's car across the street.

Watching him make his way over to their group, she nudged the two of them along to try and get them out of there faster. Having him come up from behind soon after, the attempt proved to be too late. "Well, lookee what we have here." The girls rolled their eyes in distaste and Lorraine hurried to put her dress away. "Hey nice dress, Lorraine. Although I think you'd look better wearing nothing at all."

He then cowardly tried to lift up her skirt as Babs and I tried to help her tuck away the dress. Being reminded of boys back home all too quickly, the exchange didn't help to settle down Amanda's disgust towards Biff. Lorraine only spun him off her rather suddenly and continued to make quick strides alongside the girls as he followed behind. "Biff, why don't you take a long walk off a short pier."

"Listen Lorraine, there's that dance at school tonight. Right now that my car's all fixed, I figured I'd cut you a break and give you the honor of going with the best looking guy in school," Biff tried to swoon her only to earn a collective eye roll the three present.

"Yea, well I'm busy."

"Doin' what?"

"Washing my hair."

The natural comebacks that rolled out of Lorraine was a complete turn around to the blonde beside her. She'd been used to Marty's mother being overly cautious and, well, a lacking participant in the family life since knowing them. Seeing her so easily stand up to someone like Biff only left her with high respects and admiration.

Babs and Amanda couldn't help to laugh at the comment made as Biff continued to not take the hint. "That's as funny as a screen door on a battleship."

"It's a screen door on a submarine, dork," Amanda corrected him to only have Babs laugh at this while Lorraine pushed him away once again.

"Look Biff, somebody already asked me to the dance," She explained to him finally.

He was immediately surprised by this to stop himself. "Who? That bug, George McFly?"

Lorraine then decided to mock him in his face over his being insulted by the news. "I'm going with Calvin Klein, okay?"

Biff grabbed her forcefully over this to leave Amanda now tensing up over the hold he hand on her. Raising a fist herself in Lorraine's defense she was stopped by Babs holding down her hand to whisper to her instead."She's dealt with this enough, trust me." Holding her tongue she found it difficult to simply stand and watch as her friend was so easily able to do.

"Calvin Klein, no it's not okay. You're going with me, understand?" Biff told her.

"Get your cooties off of me!"

"When are you gonna get it through your thick skull Lorraine, you're my girl?"

He lifted her up easily to have Amanda only watch on worried. "Yea well I wouldn't be your girl even if- even if you had a million dollars!" She kicked him in the shins and hit him with the box to send them all running from his shouting before he could get the chance to catch up to her.

Once they reached a few blocks down in safety, Lorraine laughed over to Amanda to make light of the harmful nature that was circulating them just before. "I've better get myself back home. My mom is supposed to get my hair ready for tonight," Babs explained to continue off along the road, "See you tonight you two!"

Amanda looked over to the young girl curiously over the behavior she took up suddenly. "You know you don't seem like the type?" She explained to her.

"The type of what exactly?" Lorraine asked in return.

She shook her head with her only true reference the strict mother back in '85. "Blunt? I guess."

"Oh c'mon Amannda, you're telling me you can't do the same?" Amanda laughed at this as she nudged her along. "I don't want you to ruin your dress, you should head home too." She nodded to wave her off as the two of them walked to opposite sides of the town center.

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

BRUSHING OFF the skirt of the dress in the room with a glance in the mirror, Amanda shrugged her shoulders silently over her appearance. "I can see the appeal," She said to herself, adjusting her shoes before making her way downstairs.

Noticing Marty fixing himself up in the mirror by the front door that seemed to be the constant occurrence through their stay here, she stood alongside him with a light laugh. "I don't think I've ever seen you in a suit," She joked to have him laugh at the comment before turning over to her surprised.

The color of the dress was nearly identical to that of her eyes, which only drew Marty in to continue to stare at her in amazement. Neatly tucking away any loose strands Amanda was left flawless and pristine by her appearance. The way he knew she was anything but, however, is what made him so captivated.

Then again he thought she could've just gone to the dance in a torn apart Sex Pistols tee and a pair of jeans. . . Marty would still think she was just as beautiful.

Only recognizing the look her friend was giving her to seem like he was, by some force of luck in her mind, attracted to her only made her cringe over the romantics. "Oh don't do that face."

"What face?"

Amanda grabbed Marty's face to keep his expression towards her the same before having him face the mirror. "This face."

He shook his head and took her hand away to rest his hand on the small of my back. Immediately becoming flustered by this to have Marty became cheeky over the reaction and shrugged his shoulders. "You've got doe eyes again, Amy."

"Shut up," She said, stepping off from him to head out to the driveway of the estate to see Doc looking over to teens now arriving.

Laughing under his breath, he motioned over to the car. "We better get going while we have enough time." The two of them nodded, shutting the door behind us to head into the car with Doc.

The clock now for the amount of time the pair had left to make sure all of this worked out in the end. This is heavy.

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